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Hobie Wave

heruntergeladen wurde: 129Dateigröße: 307 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

SHRoUdS ANd bRidLES CoNNECT WiTH CLEviS PiNS REPLACEMENT HULL - RigHT 39020001 CLUB items listed only if different from standard SE wave model. ‘97–nEWER (sn 1438-ABOVE) 44 HOBIE WAVE CHAiN PLATE 39100011 (PAiR) SCREW 8030331 ALUMiNUM CASTiNg PiNTLES UPPER PiNTLE 38101301 LoWER PiNTLE 38101401 LoNg LoCK SCREW 8030411 KEEPER WiRE /W PiN 38490011 ( CLUb WAvE vERSioN–iTEMS LiSTEd bELoW oNLy if diffERENT fRoM STANdARd WAvE ModEL. ) CHAiN PLATE 39100011 foRWARd CRoSSbAR 38131041 MAST STEP CASTiNg 381

Hobie TriFoiler

heruntergeladen wurde: 82Dateigröße: 2 mb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

Hobie Fx One

heruntergeladen wurde: 63Dateigröße: 438 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

+33 494 08 78 78 - Fax +33 494 08 13 99 2 Hobie FX-One : Eclate de pieces detachees / Illustrated part guide/Explosionszeichnung (2003-2004) 3 15 16 17 13 1 - 99220930 (x10): Vis TH 8x30 casting Cast.bolt Schraube Gu.t. 2 - 99220750 (x10): Rondelle plate Washer Unterlegscheibe 3 - 17000010: Casting superieur Gouv. Upper rudder casting Oberes Rudergehause 4 - 18062148: Bras gouv.droit complet Tiller arm right complete Ruderarm rechts komplett 18062147: Bras gouv.gauche complet Tiller arm left com

Hobie Tiger

heruntergeladen wurde: 43Dateigröße: 830 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

17 . 1 pair of universal pliers LIST OF PARTS Hulls (2) Front crossbar Rear crossbar Mast Boom Trampoline Part bag (wires) Rigging bag Ropes bag Rudder assemblies (2) Tiller crossbar Tiller extension Mainsail + battens (7) Jib Trampoline lacing rod Daggerboards (2) It is advisable to be at least 2 people to assemble the Hobie Tiger . CAUTION - DANGER ALUMINIUM MAST - STAY AWAY OF ELECTRICAL WIRES 2 List of parts 1 2 4 5 6 9 ROPES : All ropes are labelled with ref. number and name. Please check c

Hobie H16

heruntergeladen wurde: 17Dateigröße: 415 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

H14 / H16 REAR CROssBAR CRoSSbAR CRoSSbAR EXRTRUSioN w/ iNTEgRATEd TRACK, REAR (AfT) iNTEgRATEd TRACK WiTHoUT CoRNER CASTiNgS, bLACK - iNCLUdES CAR ACCESS PLATE STyLE H16 25191911 TRAvELER TRACK (dEEP oNLy) bLACK 50252021 PAdEyE 11470000 fAiRLEAd REPLACEMENT KiT PAd foR CAM CLEAT H14 10191910 SWivEL CAM 50007 ‘94 ANd NEWER CAR ACCESS PLATE 11810011 11952021 1162 SEE PAgE 22 CLEviS PiN 8020041 AdJUSTER RiNg 10860001 TRAvELER CAR ASSy. 105 NEW STyLE (‘94 Newer) 111 HiNgE WiRE 11850000 LoWER RoLLER

Hobie 30113

heruntergeladen wurde: 12Dateigröße: 171 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

Bend eye straps to conform to your mast curve. Rivet lower strap (use shorter rivets and seal caps). Rivet upper strap (without seal caps) (use long rivets for 17, 18, 20 & 21), this is above seal.

Hobie Mirage i12s

heruntergeladen wurde: 10Dateigröße: 932 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

This owner’s manual is designed to help you get maximum enjoyment from your new Hobie kayak. But more important, it is designed to help you use it safely. The content of this manual covers all inflatable Mirage kayaks. 1 About the Design of your Kayak Hobie Mirage i14t w/ Sail Sit-on-top Cockpit Hobie Mirage kayaks are open-top cockpit designs. This allows the kayaker to enter and exit the kayak easily from the shore, dock or water. Scupper hole(s) make the kayak self-bailing. The design also el

Hobie 30115

heruntergeladen wurde: 9Dateigröße: 452 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

Slip mast float (blunt end forward) over mast halyard fitting. Re-install pulleys, with screws and nuts from kit, thru float fitting and halyard fitting.

Hobie Twist-n-Stow Rudder

heruntergeladen wurde: 8Dateigröße: 269 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Boote Zubehör

There are 4 Phillips head screws which are clamping down the steering and up/down lines. Partially unscrew them to release the line. Once the lines are free from the rudder, tie a loose knot at the ends to prevent them from getting pulled into the hull. Rudder Installation 1. Place the new rudder over the mount at the end of the boat and slide the rudder pin through to hold it in place. Slide the cotter pins through the hole and twist them around the pin with a pair of needle nose pliers. Up/Dow


heruntergeladen wurde: 8Dateigröße: 171 kb    Hersteller: Hobie  
Kategorie: Motorboote

For 17, 18, 20 & 21 installation... trim to 2”. 4) Drills needed: 15/64” when using caps. 3/16” for rivets only. NOTE: Bearing must be placed - open side towards center of float. H-14 / H-16 H-17 / H-18 / H-20 / H-21 Position as shown. Be sure Float has complete 360 degree rotation. Drill mast and rivet single (long rivet with cap) to hold location. Bend eye straps to conform to your mast curve. Rivet lower strap (use shorter rivets and seal caps). Rivet upper strap (without seal caps
