o. Kuzma Audio Trade Hotemaze 17 a 4205 PREDDVOR SLOVENIA tel. 386 4 2535450 fax 386 4 2535454 CONTENTS I. GENERAL DESCRITION 3 SPECIFICATIONS 4 ACCESSORIES 4 II. UNPACKING 5 III. ASSEMBLY 6 Testing for correct assembly 7 Mounting tonearm 7 IV. ADJUSTMENT 8 1. Positioning turntable and power supply 8 2. Levelling of turntable 8 3. Fine speed adjustment 8 V. USE OF CLAMP 9 VI. GENERAL MAINTAINANCE 10 VII. MINOR PROBLEMS 11 1. Immobile subchassis 11 2. Platter does not rotate 11 3. Slow start 11 V