Daher halten diese Gerate die Schutzanforderungen der folgenden Vorschriften ein: Richtlinie des EU-Rates 89/37/EWG zur Maschinenrichtlinie und EN 13463-1:2001, Richtlinie des EU- Rates 94/9/EG zu Gerate und Schutzsysteme, die fur den Einsatz in potenziell explosiven Umgebungen eingesetzt werden, Schutzstufe II 2 G X. B. Holt, General Manager 30/6/03 ITW Finishing Systems and Products behalt sich das Recht vor, die technischen Daten der Gerate ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung zu andern. © 2005 IT
2. Ventilgehause (10) entfernen. 21. Stellen Sie die Farbnadelpackung (4) mit 3. Ventilfeder herausnehmen. einem Pistolenschlussel so ein, dass sie 4. Spindel (11) aus dem Pistolenkorper abdichtet, die Farbnadel sich jedoch freinehmen. bewegen lasst. Olen Sie mit Pistolenol (6428) ein. 5. Verwenden Sie das Werkzeug SPN-7 und fuhren es in den Pistolenkorper ein. Strahlregulierventil (5) – Vorsicht: Sorgen 6. Nehmen Sie nun den Ventilsitz heraus. Sie dafur, dass das Ventil immer voll geoffnet ist,
ALWAYS refer to the coating material suppliers instructions and COSHH sheets before using this equipment. Users must comply with all local and national codes of practice and insurance company requirements governing ventilation, fire precautions, operation and house-keeping of working areas. This equipment, as supplied, is NOT suitable for use with Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Static Electricity can be generated by fluid and/or air passing through hoses, by the spraying process and by cleaning non-
Nozzles and Needles are available in Stainless Steel. Important: These guns are not designed for use with highly corrosive and/ or abrasive materials and if used with such materials it must be expected that the need for cleaning and/or replacement of parts will be increased. If there is any doubt regarding the suitability of a specific material contact your local Distributor or ITW Finishing direct. Declaration of ConformityWe, ITW Finishing UK, Ringwood Road Bournemouth Dorset England declare u
DESCRIPTION The JGA-510 can be utilized with the wide range of air caps and needles. It is a general purpose, heavy duty, high production spray gun suitable for use with most types of materials. The fluid tip and needle and internal fluid passages are stainless steel. Conversion to HVLP -The JGA-510, plus JGA-503 models, can be converted to HVLP if desired. Contact DeVilbiss for information. Note This gun includes 300 series stainless steel fluid passages and 300/400 series tip and needle. Guns