Para resetear (1) Cada elemento Presione el boton RESETEAR mientras lo utilice. (2) Elementos del MENU FACIL (de una vez) Apunte a “RESETEAR” en el menu usando los botones de cursor ^/Ў, despues presione el boton de cursor > o el boton INTRO. Aparecera el dialogo para Apunte a “RESETEAR” en el dialogo usando el boton de cursor ^. (3) Elementos de un MENU Avanzado. Presione el boton RESETEAR mientras apunte al nombre de menu. Aparecera el dialogo para resetear. Apunte a “RESETEAR” en el dialogo u

that allows you to tape the page number to jump to a specific page you want to read in the book. Displaying Table of Content The Table of Contents (TOC) for the eBook device shows you all of the topics covered in this book. You can get there by selecting “Table of Contents” from the Options Menu when you read a book. This features is available only when the book contains a TOC created with hyperlinks. Adding Bookmarks You can add a bookmark on the current page of the book. The top-left corner of

Do not use the eBook device near water; for example: near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool. 2. Avoid using the eBook device during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. 3. Use only the power adapter included with your eBook device. Do not dispose of your eBook device in a fire. The internal rechargeable battery may explode. Check local codes for possible special disposal instructions. 4. CAUTIO

k.lavuzu - ...... ....... -.... (.. ) -.... (.. ) Model No: VS13392 VS13394 Copyright Information Copyright © ViewSonic® Corporation, 2010. All rights reserved. ViewSonic, the three birds logo, OnView, ViewMatch, and ViewMeter are registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation. Disclaimer:ViewSonic Corporation shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from furnishing this material, or the performance

Bookmark & Notes (Notes is for VEB625 only) Allows management of bookmarks and notes made or created while reading. Music Library Allows playback of audio files stored in the eBook. Network Service (WiFi - VEB625, 3G - VEB630) You can use wireless or 3G function to download content and share data to your friends. Setting Takes you to the Settings screen. User Manual On screen user manual Book Library Tap [Book Library] on Home Screen to search and open a book, once you get into the Book Library,

k.lavuzu - Pyководство пользователя - .... (..) VPAD10 Tablet PC Model No. : VS13790 i ViewSonic VPAD10 Informacion de conformidad Certificacion CE para paises europeos Este dispositivo cumple con la Directiva EMC (Compatibilidad Electromagnetica) 2004/108/EC y la Directiva de Baja Tension 2006/95/EC. La informacion siguiente es solo para los estados miembros de la UE: La marca cumple con la Directriz para el Desecho de Equipos Electronicos y Electricos 2002/96/EC (WEEE). La marca indica el requ