
Fundex Games Building Set

heruntergeladen wurde: 0Dateigröße: 47 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

SET UP Eachplayerchoosesa coloredminitrainenginetoserveashismarkerpiece duringgameplay. Theblackminitrainenginemarkerissetasidetoserveasa marker for the Mexican Train. Shuffle dominoes face down, this is known as the“trainyard.” Thenumberof“boxcars” (dominoes)dealttoeachplayer,is determined by the number ofplayers. N o. of Players N o. of Box Cars 2 to 4 15 5 to 6 11 7 to 8 8 After the box cars have been dealt, players organize their box cars face up. The player with the highest double begins th

Fundex Games Mancala

heruntergeladen wurde: 0Dateigröße: 58 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

of Players: 2 EQUIPMENT: " Mancala" Game Board, 48 "stones" OBJECT: Collect as many stones in your Mancala as possible. SET UP: Place on playing surface and place 4 stones in each of the bins numbered 1 through 12. PLAY: Player A's bins are those numbered 1-6. Player B's bins are those numbered 7-12. Decide which player will play first by the flip of a coin. The first player then picks up all of the stones in one of the bins on their side of the board. (For example, Player "A would pick up t

Fundex Games On the Bubble

heruntergeladen wurde: 3Dateigröße: 58 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

Each player’s HOME spaces should be closest to them. Each player takes a turn “popping” the die by pressing down on the top of the bubble and releasing it. The player to “pop” the lowest number starts play. PLAY: Each player in turn “pops” the bubble. Player must “pop” a “1” before they can move a playing piece from their HOME space to the starting circle. If a “1” is popped the player moves to the start circle and can take another turn. Player moves to the left. Playing pieces are moved clock

Fundex Games Squeezed Out

heruntergeladen wurde: 4Dateigröße: 60 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

Release tension bar so it pushes against disks. SCORING: Large Disk = Score three (3) points Medium Disk = Score two (2) points Small Disk = Score one (1) points PLAY: Determine which player begins play. Suggestion: youngest starts and play continues clockwise. In turn, each player selects one disk they think they can remove without moving the tension bar. Players try to remove only ONE playing piece per turn. Players may either remove one playing piece or pass on their turn. Players may pas

Fundex Games Chinese Checkers

heruntergeladen wurde: 10Dateigröße: 62 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

The first player to successfully move all his pieces to the point opposite is the winner. Any player may begin, and play moves to the left in clockwise rotation, with each player making one move at a time. A game piece may move in any direction to an adjacent hole. A player may jump his piece over another piece, providing there is an empty space opposite the jumped piece. A player may jump over more than one piece only if there is an empty space opposite each token jumped. Players may play as p

Fundex Games Family Game Classics 2620

heruntergeladen wurde: 1Dateigröße: 63 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

Using the black and red tokens, each player places four tokens on the first three rows nearest him or black squares i.e.. 12 tokens per player. Black always starts, and play is only on the black squares. GAME PLAY: A token moves diagonally one square at a time, forward-not backward. If a token reaches the far side of the board it becomes a king (stack two playing pieces to indicate a king) and can now move diagonally in any direction. A token may also “leap-frog” over another token if there is

Fundex Games Chess

heruntergeladen wurde: 0Dateigröße: 63 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

This player is then allotted the 16 white chess pieces and the other player the 16 black chess pieces. The board is positioned so that each player has a dark corner square on his left. The rooks are positioned on the two corner squares to the left and right. Next to these come the two knights, one on the left and one on the right. Next to these come the two bishops and in the center, the queen and king. The white queen is always positioned on a light square and the black queen on a dark square.

Fundex Games Snakes & Ladders

heruntergeladen wurde: 11Dateigröße: 66 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

Youngest player starts. GAME PLAY: All tokens begin the game on square #1, Player rolls the die and moves his token the number of spaces indicated on the die. The player to the left of the first player then takes his turn. Game play continues clockwise to each player. During game play, any player whose token finishes its turn on a square with the bottom of a ladder on it climbs his token up the ladder to the square where the ladder ends. Similarly, any player whose token finishes its turn on

Fundex Games Michigan Rummy

heruntergeladen wurde: 0Dateigröße: 67 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

One player is to be the banker and distributes an equal number of each color of chips to each player. (distribute ALL chips) Yellow chips are the lowest with a value of 1 point, red chips are 2 points and blue chips are 3 points. Determine the dealer and discard the jokers from the card deck. The dealer deals ALL of the cards, one hand to each player plus one extra hand. (i.e. four (4) players are in the game, deal five (5) hands.) Before play, each player should place one yellow chip on each

Fundex Games Tic-Tac-Toe

heruntergeladen wurde: 6Dateigröße: 68 kb    Hersteller: Fundex Games  
Kategorie: Kinderspiele

Position the tray on a flat surface at a location equal distance from all players. Each player selects a piece of felt, one large wink, and five small winks of the same color. Each player’s felt piece should be the same distance from the scoring tray. GAME PLAY: The youngest player starts the game by placing a small wink on the felt, which serves as a “launch pad.” The player tries to shoots the wink in the scoring tray by depressing the edge of the small wink with the edge of the larger (shoot
