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heruntergeladen wurde: 4   Dateigröße: 112 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

ReadUallUinstructionsUbeforeUusing.U 2. DoUnotUplaceUtheUapplianceUinUtheU presenceUofUexplosiveUand/orU flammableUfumes.U 3. NoteUthatUtheUtraysUcanUonlyUbeU filledUwithUfoodUand/orUliquidUtoU 2/3Ucapacity.U 4. DoUnotUtouchUhotUsurfaces.UUseU handlesUorUknobs.U 5. ToUprotectUagainstUelectricalU shockUandUmalfunction,UdoUnotU immerseUtheUbody,UcordUorUplugU inUwaterUorUotherUliquids.U 6. CloseUsupervisionUisUnecessaryU whenUanyUapplianceUisUusedUbyUorU nearUchildren.U 7. TurnUtheUthermostatUknob

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 236 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

And with 1,500 watts of power, that tea will be ready in minutes. Marvel at the beauty of the process thanks to the transparency of the Clar-i-Tea’s glass carafe. In addition to quickly brewing tea, the Clar-i-Tea’s quick boiling ability is excellent for hot chocolate, instant coffee, oatmeal, instant soups, noodles, baby formula, powdered beverages and more! This manual contains instructions for the proper use and care of your new electric water kettle. For more new home appliance ideas please

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 267 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

• Make sure the kettle is seated properly on the power base and that the base is connected to a functioning electrical outlet. • If the problem persists, please contact our customer service department toll-free at (800) 276-6286 or through email at CustomerService@AromaCo.com. The water is boiling, but the power switch and indicator light do not turn off. • The auto-shut off function will not operate properly if the lid is not completely closed. Allow kettle to cool, then check to see that the t

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 302 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

7. No se opere ningun aparato con un cordon o enchufe danado, o bien cuando haya funcionado defectuosamente. Por favor contacte a servicio a clientes de Aroma® para que lo examinen, lo repararen o lo ajusten. 8. El uso de refacciones o accesorios no recomendados por Aroma® Housewares puede ocasionar fuego, un choque electrico o una lesion. 9. No se use en exteriores. No deje que el cordon cuelgue del borde de la mesa ni del mostrador, ni 10. que toque superficies calientes. No utilice el aparato

heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 506 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

With the addition of milk and the development of modern refrigeration, ice cream became the widespread sensation that it is today with thousands of varieties available to people everywhere in the world. With theAroma® Traditional Ice Cream Maker, celebrating the greatAmerican tradition of ice cream is quick, easy and delicious. For the kids, whipping up chocolate, vanilla or strawberry recipes is a snap, with variations made easy—crumble up your favorite candy, cookie or topping and stir it in f

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 78 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

This appliance is for household use only. 27 HOWTOCLEANPARTSIDENTIFICATIONHOWTOCLEANPARTSIDENTIFICATION REMOVING MINERAL DEPOSITS: Hard water can leave mineral deposits that create scale build-up on the interior of the kettle. To avoid this build-up, it is best to always use distilled water. If mineral deposits do occur, follow the instructions below to remove them. 1. Fill the kettle halfway with water and bring to a boil. 2. Add one cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture soak overnight or for a

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 273 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Add this yogurt mixture to each sealable cup and complete the instructions of “To Make Yogurt.” Once finished yogurt has cooled for the recommended time in the refrigerator, cut pineapple chunks into small cubes. Distribute the pineapple cubes evenly among the yogurt in each sealable cup. HELPFULHINT: •Additionalfruit/syrupcombinationsmaybeusedfollowingsimilarinstructions.Experimentwithfavoritefruitsandsyrupstofindthebestflavorforyou. 8 RECIPES 9 RECIPES Yogurt de vainilla 5 tazas de leche organ

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 257 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

• Make sure the kettle is seated properly on the power base and that the base is connected to a functioning electrical outlet. • If the problem persists, please contact our customer service department toll-free at (800) 276-6286 or through email at CustomerService@AromaCo.com. The water is boiling, but the power switch and indicator light do not turn off. • The auto-shut off function will not operate properly if the lid is not completely closed. Allow kettle to cool, then check to see that the t

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 222 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

• Make sure the kettle is seated properly on the power base and that the base is connected to a functioning electrical outlet. • If the problem persists, please contact our customer service department toll-free at (800) 276-6286 or through email at CustomerService@AromaCo.com. The water is boiling, but the power switch and indicator light do not turn off. • The auto-shut off function will not operate properly if the lid is not completely closed. Allow kettle to cool, then check to see that the t

heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 78 kb   Hersteller: Aroma  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

This product was designed with your safety in mind. Features such as cordless pouring and the 360° swivel base, which allows left or right-handed gripping, are designed to remove many of the dangers and inconveniences associated with other kettles. Additional safety features include the stay-cool handles and base, drip-free pouring spout and automatic-shut off with boil dry protection. Gone are the days when forgotten kettles caused steam damage to cabinets or posed risks by boiling dry. The Aro
