
BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS U.S.A. ©2001 ATLAS SOUND LP Printed in U.S.A. 00801 TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3332 • ATS000707 RevB 8/01 FAX: (800) 765-3435 PN 316972

Prior to re-assembly, make certain that joining surfaces of enclosure is free of dirt. Tighten all cover bolts completely. To provide the specified protection in hazardous locations, please note that no compound of any type is to be applied on machined flange. INSTALLATION OF MATCHING TRANSFORMER Atlas Sound Model T-18, 60 Watt line matching transformer is listed by UL and C.S.A. for installation within the explosion-proof driver enclosure. Primary Winding: 2000/1000/500/250/125/85/ (45 Ohms)

reference guide: 386-0-0.8 Class: 2268 Specifications are subject to change without notice 1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS U.S.A. ©2001 ATLAS SOUND LP Printed in U.S.A. 00801 TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3332 • ATS000707 RevB 8/01 FAX: (800) 765-3435 PN 316972

LINE WATTS 45 - 15.0 85 60.0 7.5 125 40.0 5.0 250 20.0 2.5 500 10.0 - 1000 5.0 - 2000 2.5 - NOTE: C.S.A. reference guide: 386-0-0.8 Class: 2268 Specifications are subject to change without notice 1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS U.S.A. ©2001 ATLAS SOUND LP Printed in U.S.A. 00801 TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3332 • ATS000707 RevB 8/01 FAX: (800) 765-3435 PN 316972

LINE, WATTS 25 V. LINE WATTS 45 - 15.0 85 60.0 7.5 125 40.0 5.0 250 20.0 2.5 500 10.0 - 1000 5.0 - 2000 2.5 - NOTE: C.S.A. reference guide: 386-0-0.8 Class: 2268 Specifications are subject to change without notice 1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS U.S.A. ©2001 ATLAS SOUND LP Printed in U.S.A. 00801 TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3332 • ATS000707 RevB 8/01 FAX: (800) 765-3435 PN 316972

LINE, WATTS 25 V. LINE WATTS 45 - 15.0 85 60.0 7.5 125 40.0 5.0 250 20.0 2.5 500 10.0 - 1000 5.0 - 2000 2.5 - NOTE: C.S.A. reference guide: 386-0-0.8 Class: 2268 Specifications are subject to change without notice 1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS U.S.A. ©2001 ATLAS SOUND LP Printed in U.S.A. 00801 TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3332 • ATS000707 RevB 8/01 FAX: (800) 765-3435 PN 316972

"Stealth Mat" • Full function remote control Brand New Integrated Amplifier for the DiVA Range Few companies can boast a 30 year history in making world class integrated amplifiers. Arcam is one of the few. Not only does the company enjoy a top-level reputation for the quality of its amplifiers, it remains the UK's number one producer of integrated amps. While in recent years the Arcam has excelled in developing stunning home cinema units, its heart remains in music reproduction and in desig

The new A38 stereo integrated amplifier is the latest in a long family line of award winning HiFi. The A38 design team was given a simple goal; to develop the best performing stereo amplifier Arcam had ever produced. Although a huge task, the team dug deep into the basic structure of amplifier design and the result was a remarkable improvement in fidelity. An in-house research project yielded a wealth of information concerning the influences of thermal conditions on power amplifier performance

The unit is completely wired and ready for mounting. The power supply is capable of delivering 500mA at 24VDC. A fuse is used for extra protection. The output of the power supply is terminated at the terminal strip as well as internally to the relay coils. This allows the use of excess power supply capacity for external relays. Six 24VDC, DPDT relays are pre-mounted and wired to the power supply. The contacts are of silver, gold plated and the contact rating is 3 amps. The coil current is a nom