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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
HP Hierarchical Storage Management
SPD 46.38.24
for OpenVMS Version 4.3
• If HSM is used with Archive Backup System, ABS,
For more information on the OpenVMS License Man-
then HSM will use the media manager installed by
agement Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating Sys-
ABS as part of the ABS product installation.
tem Software Product Description or the License Man-
agement Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating
• If HSM Plus Mode is not used with either SLS or ABS,
System documentation set.
then just install the MDMS V4.3 provided in the HSM
V4.3. The media manager (MDMS) is still a manual
install with HSM V4.3 as users may continue to use
SLS/MDMS V2.9H in their environment.
The minimum hardware and software requirements for
• OpenVMS V7.2-2 and later versions provide support
any future version of this product may be different from
for Fibre Channel (FC) connected tape devices. This
the requirements for the current version.
is accomplished through the use of Modular Data
Router (MDR)connected to the FC Switch. MDR
converts Fibre Channel protocol to SCSI protocol,
which the tape device understands. HSM V4.3 sup-
HSM for OpenVMS VAX product is available on the
ports this new feature in OpenVMS 7.2-2 and later
OpenVMS Consolidated Software Distribution (QA-
as used with MDR. See the SPDs referenced above
VWJ8A-A8). The package includes media and docu-
for a complete listing of supported tape devices.
mentation on CD-ROM.
• Network Storage Router (NSR) M2402 by HP is a
HSM for OpenVMS Alpha product is available on
key component in a complete data protection so-
the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library (QA-
lution. It allows multiple host servers to communi-
03XAA-H8). The Products Library includes media and
cate with a SCSI tape device over a Fibre Channel
documentation on CD-ROM.
link making backup speeds five times faster. HSM
has been tested and qualified with Network Storage
HSM for OpenVMS I64 product is available on the lay-
Router (NSR) M2402.
ered products media within the Operating Environment
package. The layered products media includes the
• The HSM V4.3 is compatible with the Multipath
product binaries and on-line documentation.
failover functionality on Tape devices as provided in
OS 7.3-1.
HSM for OpenVMS is licensed according to the amount
of online storage customers may free up through shelv-
ing files. One base license, which includes 20 GB of
• SLS V2.9J or ABS V4.4, can be used in conjunction
storage capacity, is required for each VMScluster or a
with HSM for an integrated Backup and HSM envi-
single system in a non-cluster environment.
ronment. SLS or ABS contains the Media, Device
and Management Services software (MDMS).
Base licenses are available for all-VAX clusters, all-
Alpha clusters, and mixed architecture clusters. The
• Remote access to tape devices in Plus Mode re-
base licenses are included in the 140GB, 280GB,
quires the Remote Device Facility (RDF). RDF re-
500GB, 1000GB, and unlimited capacity packages.
quires a license and is available as a component of
the media manager, MDMS, which is part of your
Additional storage capacity is licensed by purchasing
HSM V4.3 kit. RDF V4.3I has been qualified for HSM
one or more capacity licenses. Users who want to have
V4.3. This capability is turned on through licensing
virtually unlimited storage capacity, with respect to cur-
of the following:
rent system capabilities, can purchase the unlimited ca-
pacity license.
— Purchase of Storage Library System (SLS)
Integrity Server Licensing is based on Per Core Li-
— Purchase of Archive Backup System (ABS)
censes (PCL). One PCL is required for each active
physical processor in a system or hard partition. For
— Purchase of an RDF license directly from Com-
more information on I64 licensing reference the HP Op-
puter Associates International Inc.
erating environments for OpenVMS - Integrity Servers
(SPD 82.34.XX).
License Management Facility
Note: In order to purchase concurrent upgrade li-
This layered product qualifies the OpenVMS License
censes, users must show proof that they previously pur-
Management Facility.
chased at least the same number of concurrent licenses.