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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
HP SNA Server
SPD 70.89.04
for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.3
HP SNA Server also supports the following optional fa-
cilities for QLLC circuits:
• Flow Control Negotiation
Processors Supported
• Closed User Groups
• Reverse Charging
The HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha supports a
maximum of 255 sessions via local user connections
Management Utilities
and DECnet connections. Restrictions are based on
The HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha provides the
processor memory, line speeds, and CPU. For informa-
management utilities SNANCP and SNAEVL. SNANCP
tion about supported processors, refer to the OpenVMS
is used to manage and monitor SNA server components
Operating System for Alpha Software Product Descrip-
such as line, circuit, physical unit (PU), and logical unit
tion (SPD 25.01.xx).
(LU). SNANCP provides the human interface for the HP
System Manager to monitor, control, and troubleshoot
Users can configure their IBM line to activate up to 255
the SNA Server and its IBM SNA environment. All
logical units (LUs) per PU. See the release notes for
management functions pertaining to SNA Server soft-
recommended concurrent session requirements.
ware are performed on Alpha systems. The SNANCP
commands allow users to display and modify informa-
tion pertaining to the line, circuit, PU, LUs, and access
Minimum Recommended Configuration
names. Online help is provided. SNAEVL is used to log
events generated by these components.
A minimum hardware system configuration includes:
Management of the HP SNA node should be viewed
as part of the HP environment; the management of the
line connecting the OpenVMS Alpha system to the IBM
• One system disk
system is a joint responsibility of the IBM and HP system
• A load device (CD-ROM)
Problem Isolation and Determination Tools
The Common Trace Facility (CTF) is the problem-
• 64 MB memory
determination tool that provides frame-level tracing of
a circuit to help in debugging application programs and
• Modems or modem eliminators
identifying system problems. A privileged DECnet-Plus
user can run a trace at the PU level, SDLC level, or
session level. The trace feature is helpful for identifying
• A supported synchronous device as described in the
an error for remedial action.
HP X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Software Product De-
scription (SPD 417.37.xx)
The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for the
HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha V8.2 and V8.3,
SNAVMS$IVP, is also useful for problem isolation.
Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1)
SNAVMS$IVP is run separately from any access rou-
tine, and can be used to verify connectivity to specific
Disk space required for installation:
8000 blocks
IBM applications over specific LU sessions. In failure
cases, SNAVMS$IVP displays an expanded error text
that attempts to diagnose the cause of the failure.
Disk space required for use
6500 blocks
These counts refer to the disk space required on the
Installation Services from HP are recommended for
system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes
a customer’s first purchase of this software product.
may vary depending on the user’s system environment,
These services provide for installation of the software
configuration, and software options.
by an experienced software specialist.