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HP C++ for OpenVMS
HP C++ Class Library Reference Manual
— Ability to package C++ code as shareable libraries
HTML files are provided for the release notes and some
— Ability to use additional class libraries
of the product manuals, for use with a web browser.
— Support for generation of source code analysis
Hardcopy documentation is available by ordering the
information that can be used by the HP Source
separate software documentation kit.
Code Analyser (Alpha Only)
— Support for generation of diagnostic information
that can be used by the HP Language-Sensitive
Extensive error checking diagnostics
Automatic template instantiation compatible with
Run-Time Library for C Applications
older compilers for the OpenVMS Alpha platform.
New ELF comdat based template instantiation model
The complete C Run-Time Library that is needed for
for the OpenVMS I64 platform.
use with HP C++ for OpenVMS is distributed with the
OpenVMS operating system. The C Run-Time Library
Enhanced debugger support
provides routines to perform input/output, character and
Language mode and diagnostic message options in-
string handling, mathematical computations, memory
crease compatibility with earlier versions of the com-
allocation, and emulation of selected UNIX features.
piler as well as with other implementations of C++.
These routines are provided both in shared image and
object module library form.
Fast compilation and increased code optimization by
directly translating C++ source programs to object
C++ Standard Library
The C++ Standard Library is an implementation of the
Extensive global and local optimizations of generated
ANSI/ISO C++ Standard Library. This library is com-
code for increased performance
prised of a suite of header files and the run-time code
needed to implement the string library, numeric limits,
Option for running only the preprocessor phase of
auto pointer, exceptions, complex math, and the STL
(Standard Template Library). Portions of this library are
Pragmas to control compiler options
implemented using source code licensed from and copy-
righted by Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
Pragmas to control extern models, sharing of data
between concurrent processes, and structure mem-
C++ Run-Time Support Library (OpenVMS I64)
ber alignment
The C++ Run-Time Support Library is distributed with
Compiler-generated listing file, including optional:
the OpenVMS I64 operating system. This library pro-
— Machine code
vides support for language features such as RTTI, new
and delete, exception support, and some parts of 128-
— Macro expansion
bit IEEE floating point support. These routines are pro-
— Compilation statistics
vided both in shared image and object module library
Data types for numeric, nonnumeric, and systems
programming, as follows:
C++ Class Library
— 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit [un]signed integers
The C++ Class Library Run-Time components are
— 32, 64, and 128-bit IEEE floating point
distributed with the OpenVMS operating systems.
The Class Library provides the following packages:
— 32 and 64-bit VAX floating-point
iostream, generic, mutex, objection, stopwatch, string,
Integration into the Program Development Environ-
message and vector. These routines are provided both
in shared image and object module library form.
— Generation of debug and traceback records for
Run-Time Library Redistribution
symbolic debugger support
The HP C++ for OpenVMS kit may include Run-Time
— Conformance to the OpenVMS calling standard
Library components in either shareable image or object
— Access to OpenVMS run-time libraries for general
library form. HP grants the user a nonexclusive royalty-
purpose routines and support of multi-language
free worldwide right to reproduce and distribute these
Run-Time Libraries ("the RTLs") provided that the user:
— Access to the data management facilities of Open-
distributes the RTLs only in conjunction with and as
VMS RMS (Record Management Services)
a part of the users’s software application product,