heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 95 kb   Hersteller: Delfield  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Glass filler is 9.5” (24.1cm) high, over die-stamped drain opening fitted with chrome-plated wire strainer. Pitcher filler is 13.5” (34.3cm) high, over die-stamped drain opening fitted with chrome-plated wire strainer. Ice bin opening is die-stamped with .19” (.48cm) raised edges, measures 15.12” x 10.5” (38.4cm x 26.7cm), has one-piece 20-gauge stainless steel lift-off cover. Liner of ice bin is high-impact ABS plastic, has rounded corners and is pitched to 1” (2.54cm) diameter drain. Bin is

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 95 kb   Hersteller: Delfield  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Bin is insulated all around with high-density environmentally friendly, Kyoto Protocol Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential), Non GWP (Global Warming Potential) polyurethane. Ice bin holds 45 pounds of ice. Exterior body is 24-gauge galvanized steel. Cutout dimensions are 21” (53.3cm) x 17.17” (45.1cm). 980 S. Isabella Rd. Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 Phone: 800-733-8948 or 989-773-7981 Fax: 800-669-0619 Enodis' 204 Series Water And Ice Station 204 Series un CD _U "O c <

heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 455 kb   Hersteller: Delfield  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Hot Food Tables IMPORTANTINFORMATIONREADBEFOREUSEPLEASESAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS! CAUTION Effective May 2003 F14 AND 48000 Series Service and Installation Manual CONTENTSSERIAL NUMBER LOCATION SERIAL# LOCATION..............................................................2 RECEIVING & INSPECTING ..................................................2 SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................3 INSTALLATION F14EW & F14EI (electric) ...................................

heruntergeladen wurde: 18   Dateigröße: 216 kb   Hersteller: Delfield  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Top mounts a 9.50” (24cm) high glass filler over die-stamped drain opening fitted with chrome-plated wire strainer. Bin opening is die-stamped with 0.19” (0.5cm) raised edge, measures 10.50" x 15.13" (27cm x 38cm), has one-piece lift-off stainless steel cover. Bin liner is high-impact ABS plastic, has covered corners and is pitched to 1.00" (3cm) diameter drain. Sides and bottom of bin insulated with high-density environmentally friendly, Kyoto Protocol Compliant, Non ODP (Ozone Depletion Poten
