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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Select from the low-profile Polaris PTT3 with movable “TeaToter” dispenser or the TCTS, TCTT or Sweet Tea for direct-to-dispenser high-volume brewing. • •• C CCo ool llo oor rrf ffu uul ll “ ““I IIc cce eed dd T TTe eea aa” ”” M MMe eer rrc cch hha aan nnd ddi iis ssi iin nng gg G GGr rra aap pph hhi iic ccs ss •• ““SSwweeeett TTeeaa”” BBrreewweerr --Complete with electric pump. Program selectable for regular or sweet tea. Sweet Tea Control Module TCTS10 TCTT10 Sweet Tea (Dispenser Not Included)

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

•• CCoolldd WWaatteerr BBrreeww LLoocckk--OOuutt – Prevents brewing when water temperature is below set level. •• SSttaannddaarrdd 112200VVAACC OOppeerraattiioonn – Makes installation quick and simple. ITEM NO PROJECT DATE Revolutionary Design TWO Ultra-Precision Inlet Valves and Water Level Sensor System provide unsurpassed tea flavor. PTT3 (With standard Tea Toter Dispenser) TCTS (Shown with optional TCO dispenser) FEATURES AT A GLANCE The new Curtis G3 Tea Brewing Systems – incredible tea fla

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Now you can consistently serve delicious and refreshing iced tea glass after glass. PROJECT TCC1 TCC2 DATE FEATURES AT A GLANCE Mixing chambers have been designed and engineered for enhanced blending performance. Easily adjustable concentrate to water mixing ratio. Greater faucet clearance. Drip tray and quick disconnect included. Braided Hoses. Pressure regulators mixes a range of 5:1 to 15:1 concentrate to water ratio. Extra length hose for under-counter or remote bag-in-box applic

heruntergeladen wurde: 4   Dateigröße: 619 kb   Hersteller: Curtis  
Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

ft. TCC1 9.25" 24" x 8.875" x 12.875" 22 lbs. 6.2 TCC2 9.25" 24" x 8.875" x 12.875" 23 lbs. 6.2 TCC3 9.375" 24" x 12.875" x 8.875" 26 lbs. 6.2 ACCESSORY ITEMS WC-53117-101 Stainless Steel Bottle Siphon Tube □ WC-8654 Scholle "L" Bag Connector WILBUR CURTIS COMPANY, INC. 6913 Acco Street, Montebello, CA 90640-5403 Telephone: 800-421-6150 • 323-837-2300 Fax: 323-837-2406 © 2007 Wilbur Curtis Company, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. SEP/07 - 14238 - F-3504 rev. B

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

ft. TCC1 9.25" 24" x 8.875" x 12.875" 22 lbs. 6.2 TCC2 9.25" 24" x 8.875" x 12.875" 23 lbs. 6.2 TCC3 9.375" 24" x 12.875" x 8.875" 26 lbs. 6.2 ACCESSORY ITEMS WC-53117-101 Stainless Steel Bottle Siphon Tube □ WC-8654 Scholle "L" Bag Connector WILBUR CURTIS COMPANY, INC. 6913 Acco Street, Montebello, CA 90640-5403 Telephone: 800-421-6150 • 323-837-2300 Fax: 323-837-2406 © 2007 Wilbur Curtis Company, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. SEP/07 - 14238 - F-3504 rev. B

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

•• GG33 EEnnhhaanncceedd TTeeaa FFllaavvoorr && CCllaarriittyy – With digital accuracy, two separate precision valves provide unsurpassed control over concentrate brewing and dilution cycles. •• ““FFaasstt BBrreeww”” OOppttiioonn – Program selectable. Shortens brew time by allowing concentrate and dilution cycles to run at the same time. •• ““DDuuaall BBaattcchh”” OOppttiioonn --Overlay available (Order Separately). •• IInnttuuiittiivvee SSccrroollll--TThhrroouugghh PPrreecciissiioonn PPrrooggrr

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

**Optionai 220Vavailable. WILBUR CURTIS COMPANY, INC. 6913 Acco Street • Montebello, CA 90640-5403 Telephone: 800-421-6150 • 323-837-2300 • Fax: 323-837-2406 © 2001 Wilbur Curtis Company, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 4/01 - 8570 Î3155 FOR THE LATEST SPEC INFORMATION GO TO WWW.WILBURCURTIS.COM

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

ALPHA DECANTER WARMING PLATES. Curtis' ALPHA Warming Plates are the perfect complement to any ALPHA or Decanter Brewing System Designed to keep coffee hot, fresh and delicious, the warmers are easily located in key traffic areas to create additional coffee service stations. ALPHA Warming Plates operate on standard 120VAC power, and are available in three space-saving configurations. AW-2 AW- 1 - Features a single warmer in a low-profile design. AW- 2 - A double warmer in a ^ ' low-profile, s

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Kategorie: Andere Küchengeräte

Each warming plate is individually operated. AW-2S- This two-tiered double warming plate system is designed for narrow counter space requirements. Individually operated warming plates. AW-1 FOR THE LATEST SPEC INFORMATION GO TO WWW.WILBURCURTIS.COM ^Ais AW-1 AW-2 AW-2S SPECIFICATIONS AW-1 AW-2 AW-2S Dimensions* (H x W x D) 2-5/16"x 6-3/4"x 8-7/16" (9-5/16” w/decanter) 2-5/16" x13-3/4"x 6-11/16" (9-5/16" w/decanter) 8-1/16"x 6-3/4"x17" (15-1/16" w/decanter) Voltage** (Incl 6’ 3-Prong C
