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Please note the following precautions for use: . Please keep this device in a safe place. The device contains a lens that can be damaged by shock. Keep away from the reach of the children. ¦ Do not place your device in a wet place. Moisture and water may cause the device to malfunction. ¦ To avoid electric shock, do not touch your device or power cable with wet hands. ¦ Do not use the flash close to another’s eyes. The flash emits a strong light that may cause damage similar to direct sunlight on one’s eyesight. Particular care should be observed if photographing infants, when the flash should be no less than 3 feet from your subject. ¦ If the device is not working properly, please consult your nearest dealer or authorized Samsung service facility. Disassembling the device yourself may cause irrecoverable damage which will be difficult to repair. ¦ Clean the device with a dry, soft cloth. Use a soft cloth moistened with a mild detergent solution for removing stains. Do not use any type of solvent, especially benzene, as they may seriously damage the finish. ¦ Keep your device away from rain and saltwater. After using, clean the device. Saltwater may cause the parts to corrode. Upozornuni k udrIbu zafiizeni CAM . Pfied pouIitim si pfieatute nasledujici upozornuni: . Uchovavejte zafiizeni na bezpeanem mistu. Zafiizeni obsahuje aoaku, ktera mUIe b.t po‰kozena narazem. UdrIujte zafiizeni mimo dosah duti. ¦ Nepokladejte zafiizeni na mokre misto. Vlhkost a voda mohou zpUsobit poruchu zafiizeni. ¦ Nedot.kejte se zafiizeni nebo napajeci ‰AUry mokr.ma rukama, abyste zabranili urazu elektrick. proudem. ¦ NepouIivejte blesk v blizkosti oai jine osoby. Blesk vyzafiuje silne svutlo, ktere mUIe zpUsobit podobne po‰kozeni zraku, jako pfiime sluneani svutlo. Zvla‰tni pozornost by mula b.t vunovana fotografovani duti, kdy by blesk mul b.t vzdalen minimalnu 1 metr od fotografovane osoby. ¦ Pokud zafiizeni spravnu nefunguje, kontaktujte nejbliI‰iho prodejce nebo autorizovan. servis Samsung. Pokud provedete demontaI zafiizeni sami, mUIe dojit k nenapravitelnemu po‰kozeni. ¦ aistute zafiizeni such.m, mukk.m hadfiikem. Pro odstranuni skvrn pouIijte mukk. hadfiik navlhaen. jemn.m aisticim prostfiedkem. NepouIivejte Iadn. typ rozpou‰tudla, obzvla‰tu ne benzeny, protoIe by mohly zpUsobit vaIne po‰kozeni povrchu. ¦ ChraAte zafiizeni pfied de‰tum a slanou vodou. Po pouIiti zafiizeni oaistute. Slana voda mUIe zpUsobit korozi dilU. 8 ENGLISH Notices and Safety Precautions CZECH Poznamky a bezpeanostni opatfieni Notes Regarding COPYRIGHT . Television programmes, movie video tapes, DVD titles, films and other programme materials may be copyrighted. Unauthorized recording of copyrighted materials may infringe on the rights of the Copyright owners and is contrary to copyright laws. . All the trade names and registered trademarks mentioned in this manual or other documentation provided with your Samsung product are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Notes Regarding Moisture Condensation 1. A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to form inside the CAM. For Example: . Entering or leaving a heated place on a cold day might cause condensation inside the product. . To prevent condensation, place the product in a carrying case or a plastic bag before exposing it to a sudden change of temperature. Notes Regarding the CAM 1. Do not leave the CAM exposed to high temperature (above 60°C or 140°F). For example, in a parked closed car in summer or exposed to direct sunlight. 2. Do not let the CAM get wet. Keep the CAM away from rain, salt water, or any other form of moisture. The CAM will be damaged if immersed in water or subjected to high levels of moisture. Poznamky k AUTORSK.M PRAVOM . Televizni programy, videokazety s filmy, DVD tituly, filmy a jine materialy mohou b.t chranuny autorsk.mi pravy. Neopravnune nahravani materialU, ktere jsou chranuny autorsk.mi pravy, mUIe b.t v rozporu s pravy vlastnikU autorsk.ch prav a je v rozporu se zakonem o autorsk.ch pravech. . V‰echny ochranne znamky a registrovane ochranne znamky uvedene v teto pfiiruace a dal‰i dokumentaci dodane s v.robkem Samsung jsou ochranne znamky nebo registrovane ochranne znamky pfiislu‰n.ch vlastnikU. Poznamky ke kondenzaci vlhkosti 1. Nahle zv.‰eni teploty mUIe zpUsobit kondenzovani uvnitfi zafiizeni CAM. Napfiiklad: . Napfiiklad pfiichod nebo odchod z teple mistnosti v chladnem dni mUIe zpUsobit vytvofieni kondenzace uvnitfi v.robku. . Chcete-li zabranit vytvofieni kondenzace, umistute v.robek dfiive, neI jej vystavite nahle zmunu teploty, do pfienosneho obalu nebo plastoveho saaku. Poznamky k zafiizeni CAM 1. Nevystavujte zafiizeni CAM vysok.m teplotam (nad 60 °C). Napfiiklad v zaparkovanem zavfienem automobilu v letu nebo na pfiimem sluneanim svutle. 2. ChraAte zafiizeni CAM pfied namoaenim. Uchovavejte zafiizeni CAM mimo dosah de‰tu, slane vody a dal‰ich zdrojU vlhkosti. Pokud bude zafiizeni CAM ponofieno do vody nebo vyst...
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