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The battery holder opens. 2. Insert the battery into the battery holder with the positive (+) terminal facing down and press it firmly until you hear a locking sound. 3. Place the battery holder back in the remote control, matching its (0) mark with the (®) mark on the remote control, and turn the battery holder clockwise to lock it. Precautions regarding the button type battery There is a danger of explosion if button type battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. Do not pick up the battery using tweezers or other metal tools. This will cause a short circuit. Do not recharge, disassem ble, heat or imm erse the battery in water to avoid the risk of explosion. A Keep the button type battery out of the reach of the children. Should any battery be swallowed, seek medical attention immediately. 14_ English TTpo£TQi|jaQia TOnOGETHIH THI MIIATAPIAI TYnOY KOYMfllOY Tono0CTnon ctto GiaKOTrrr) ectootepikou poAoyiou (E^aywvnC [JTrcrrapia^) _ 1. Avoi^Te Tr)v oQovr) LCD Kai, CTr) ouvexeio, aupsTS to OlaKOTTTri BATT. (e^aycoYifc (JTTaTapiai;) TTpo? Tr)VKaTsu6uvCTr) tou PeAou? Y|a va acpaipeceTE Trjv |JTTaTapia. 2. Acpaipecne to KdAuppa Trj? (jmnapiai;. 3. AvTiKaTaaTiiaTe Tr) |JTTaTapia tuttou kouijttiou Kai, OTr) ouvexeio, ena va t ott o0et r| ot e to KaAu|j|ja (JTTaTapiai;. ToTToOeTnaTe Trjv |JTTaTapia tuttou kouijttiou othv uttoooxh Tr]?, M£ T0V 0£tiko (+) ttoAo aTpa|j|j£vo TTpo? to e^w. - Battery holder EYKCTTdoTaor) pnaTapia? Y|a TO ectojtepiko poAoi H [JTTaTapia tuttou kouijttiou ouvTr)pei Tr) AeiToupyia tou poAoyiou Kai to TTpoKa0opiovisva TTEpiExopEva Trj? MVHMn? : aKopa Kai as TTSpiTTTCoor) ttou acpaipeoeTE Trjv |JTTaTapia n to Tpoq)o5oTiK6. H [JTTaTapia tuttou kouijttiou Trj? pivTEOKapEpai; DVD 5iapKsi TTSpiTrou 6 Hiivei; otto Tr) OTiYMn Trl? Tono0eTr)ar)S, M£ KavoviKii Aaroupyia. 'Otov r| (JTTaTapia tuttou kouijttiou e^aoSevioei n aTTOcpopTiord, r) evSei^r) HMSpOMnvfaS/wpai; 0a exei Tipii “01/JAN/2008 00:00” otov EVEpyonoinoETE Trjv qjcpavior) r|M eP°M Kai ciipa;. ToTro0CTrian Tr)i prraTapiac; tuttou kouijttiou ctto TnAExapiCTTrjpio QjovteAo V P- DX102/DX104/DX105( i) povov] 1. iTpajJTe Tr) paor) Trj? (JTTaTapiai; apiorspoorpocpa, 6ttco; utto5eikvuei to ori|Jd5i (©), |je to vuxi aa? ii ne Tr| poriOeia evo? KspiJaTO? yia va Trjv avoi^ETE. H paor) Trj? (JTTaTapiai; avoiysi. 2. ToTToOsTiiore Trjv |JTTaTapia OTr) paor) (JTTaTapiai;, |je to 0etiko (+) ttoAo aTpa|j|jevo TTpo? to kotco koi TTaTiioTE Trjv, ew? otou aKouoTd o nxo? aocpdAion? Tr]?. 3. ToTToOsTiiore Kai ttoAi Tr) paor) Trj? (JTTaTapiai; oto TrjAexapioTnpio, etoi wote to or)|JdSi (O) va ouijtteoei |je to or||Jd5i (®) oto TriAexeipionipio Kai otpeijjte Tr) paor) Trj? (JTTaTapiai; Se^ioaTpocpa Yia va Trjv aocpaAioETE. npocpuAa^Ei^ CTXETiKa PETTIS [jrrcrTapiE^ tuttou Koupmou Eavr) avTiKaTdoTaor) Trj? (JTTaTapiai; tuttou kouijttiou yivEi AavOaopsva, uTTapxei KfvSuvo? EKpri^nS- AvTiKaTaaTiioTS Trjv IJTTaTapia ijovo |je |jia aAAr) i&ou n avTioToixou tuttou. Mrjv KpaTdTe Trjv |JTTaTapia |je Aapioa n aAAo petoAAiko spyaAsio. KaTi tetoio 0a TTpoKaAeoa ppaxuKUKAwpa. Mrjv ETTavacpopTi^eTe, arToouvappoAoyEiTE, ©EppaivETE n PuOi^ETE oe vepo Trjv pTTaTapia, yia va amxpuyeTe tov Kiv5uvo SKprj^n?-KpaTCTTE Tr) [JTTaTapia tuttou kouijttiou paxpia otto Trai5ia. Ze TrEpiTrrcoCTri KCfTaTTOCTnc [JTraTapia^, ava^rpfjCTTE apECTa icrrpiKn pon0aa. A nPOEIAOnOIHZH Greek 14 HOLDING THE DVD CAMCORDER KPATHMA THE BINTEQKAMEPAI DVD Attaching a grip belt Insert your right hand from the bottom of the DVD camcorder up to the base of your thumb. Put your hand in a position where you can easily operate the Recording start/stop button, PHOTO button, and the Zoom lever. Adjust the length of grip belt so that the DVD camcorder is stable when you press the Recording start/stop button with your thumb. Pull and detach the grip belt. Insert the grip belt into its hook as shown in the figure Insert your hand into the grip belt and adjust its length. Close the grip belt. Angle Adjustment Rotate the swivel handle at the most convenient angle. You can rotate it downwards upto 140° Please be careful not to turn the swivel handle backward as it may cause damage. 15_ English riLüç va TT£päa£T£ tov i^iâvTa Kapnoû TOTTO0£TI^OT£ to ôsÇî OOÇ Xépi cittô Trjv kotco TrÀeupà Tr|ç pivT£OKâ|j£paç DVD, péXpi STràvco cnr) ßaar) tou avTixsipâ aaç. Totto0£ti^ot£ to xépi aaç as tétoio 0éar) waT£ va pTrop£ÎT£ £ÜKOÀa va X£lpÎÇ£aT£ TO KOUpTTI 'EvapÇnç/ôiaKonnç £YYpa
Kameras - VP-DX100 (17.57 mb)
Kameras - VP-DX100I (17.57 mb)
Kameras - VP-DX103 (17.57 mb)
Kameras - VP-DX103I (17.57 mb)