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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
8 From the Application folder, double-click on the software to be installed. Follow the on-screen instructions. 9 When the “Installation has Finished” screen appears, click OK. 10 When prompted, restart your computer. 11 Select the Apple menu, then Chooser. 12 Click the i350/i250 icon in the Chooser. 13 Close the Chooser. Register your product at re ercanon. m mmm ww wwwwwwwww w....regi giregireregigis sssst tttterc ercercercanon.c canon.canon.anon.cco oooom to ensure product Note support. 14 To ensure highest quality output, continue with Step 7 Align the Print Head on the Easy SetupInstructions. Appendix User’s Guide Table of Contents Your printer's electronic User's Guide, located on the SetupSoftware andUser's Guide CDROM, offers detailed information on the following topics. How to Use This Manual Printer Parts and Their Function Useful Printing Techniques Printing with Borderless Printing (i350 only) Reducing Noise from Images Taken with Digital Camera Achieving Vivid Reproduction of Images with Lots of Greens and Blues Printing with Color and Brightness Automatically Optimized Adjusting Print Quality Smoothing the Rough Edges of Certain Images Automatically Resizing the Image to Fit the Page Resizing the Image by Selecting the Scaling Ratio Printing Multiple Pages on a Single Page Enlarging a Document by Printing it on Multiple Pages Printing Multiple Pages for Assembly into a Booklet Printing on Both Sides of the Page Printing Stamped Messages on Documents (Windows) Printing Background Images on Documents (Windows) Adding Illustrated Effect to Documents Printing the Entire Image in Single Color Printing in Grayscale Reversing the Page Printing Order Printing on Nonstandard Size Paper Reducing the Sound of Printer Operation Registering Printer Driver Settings Printing Media Compatible Media Types Envelopes High Resolution Paper Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Pro Photo Paper Plus Glossy Matte Photo Paper Transparencies T-Shirt Transfers Checking the Status of the Printer BJ Status Monitor Functions BJ Print Monitor Troubleshooting Cannot Install Printer Driver Print Quality is Poor Printer Does Not Start or Stops During Print Jobs Paper Does Not Feed Properly or Paper Jams The POWER POWER Lamp Flashes Orange An Error Message is Displayed on the Screen Problems Unique to Windows Problems Unique to the Macintosh POWER POWERPOWER Appendix Printing Area Using the Printer with a Network (Macintosh Mac OS 8.6-9.x) Uninstalling the Printer Drivers Uninstalling the User’s Guide Transporting printer Printer Driver Functions (Windows) Printer Driver Functions (Macintosh) Appendix Specifications Printer Pr PrPrPrPr i iiii n nnnn ti titititi ng re ng reng reng reng re s ssss o oooo l llll u uuuu ti titititi o oooo n nnnn : :::: 4800 X 1200 x.48 484848 0 000 0 000 X XXX 12 121212 00 d d00 d0000 dd p pppp i iiii . .... m mmmm a aaaa x. x.x.x. ( (((( I IIII nk nknknknk dr drdrdrdr o oooo p pppp l llll e eeee ts tstststs c cccc a aaaa n be n ben ben ben be pl plplplpl ac acacacac e eeee d dddd i iiii n nnnn a pi a pia pia pia pi tc tctctctc h hhhh o oooo f ffff 1/48 1/481/481/481/48 00 i 00 i00 i00 i00 i n nnnn c cccc h hhhh a aaaa t tttt m mmmm i iiii ni nininini m mmmm u uuuu m mmmm . .... ) )))) Pri PriPriPriPri n nnnn t tttt s ssss p pppp eed * eed *eed *eed *eed * Bl BlBlBlBl a aaaa c cccc k pri k prik prik prik pri n nnnn t tttt in inininin g gggg *Print *Print*Print*Print*Print s ssss p pppp eed may v eed may veed may veed may veed may v a aaaa r rrrr y yyyy wit witwitwitwit h t h th th th t h hhhh e c e ce ce ce c o oooo nt ntntntnt ent entententent o oooo f ffff t tttt h hhhh e eeee Ma MaMaMaMa x S x Sx Sx Sx S p pppp e eeee e eeee d dddd ( (((( C CCCC usto ustoustoustousto m mmmm S SSSS e eeee tti ttittittitti ng ngngngng 5) 5)5)5)5) : :::: 14 14141414 p pppp p pppp m mmmm ( (((( i iiii 35 35353535 0) 0)0)0)0) / //// 10 10101010 p pppp p pppp m mmmm ( (((( i iiii 25 25252525 0) 0)0)0)0) doc docdoc ment mentment d t d td t h hh e ee proc procproc es eses s ss i ii ng ngng s ss p pp eed of t eed of teed of t d dd o oo cu ucuucu m mm e ee n nn t a at aat a n nnnn d dd th thth e p e pe p r rr o oo c cc e ee ssi ssissi n nn g gg sp spsp e ee e ee d dd o oo f ff th hthhth e eeee ho hohohoho s ssss t tttt c cccc o oooo mputer mputermputermputermputer . .... St StStSt a aaa n nnn da dadada rd: rd:rd:rd: Standard: 8.111 11111111 p pppp p pppp m mmmm ( (((( i iiii 35 35353535 0) 0)0)0)0) / //// 8. 8.8.8. 1 p p1 p11 pp p pppp m mmmm ( (((( i iiii 25 25252525 0) 0)0)0)0) Co CoCoCoCo l llll o oooo r rrrr p pppp r rrrr i iiii n nnnn t tttt i iiii n nnnn g gggg Ma MaMaMaMa x S x Sx Sx Sx S p pppp e eeee e eeee d dddd ( (((( C CCCC usto ustoustoustousto m mmmm S SSSS e eeee tti ttittittitti ng ngngngng 5) 5)5)5)5) : :::: 9 p 9 p9 p9 p9 p p pppp m mmmm ( (((( i iiii 350 350350350350 ) )))) / //// 8 p 8 p8 p8 p8 p p pppp m mmmm ( (((( i iiii 2 2222 50) 50)50)50)50) St StStSt a aaa n nnn da dadada rd: rd:rd:rd: Standard: ...
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