
(See above) • A stuffed turkey will require an extra 30 to 60 minutes depending on size. Stuffing should reach an internal temperature of 165°F. Convection Roasting: Frozen to Finish Meats (except poultry) may be roasted frozen to finish. Follow these guidelines for the most satisfactory results. • Use temperatures for roasting fresh meats as recommended by most cookbooks. Generally, most meats are roasted at 325°F. For best results do not use temperatures below 300°F. • Usetimesforroasting fres

NOTEWW2780 OWNERS: Ifoneoven issetforclockcontrolled baking,theotheroven cannot be set to self-clean. turning the Set Dial, the oven is not set and Display will return to previous Display. NOTE: If more than 10 seconds elapse between touching a function pad and 13 Baking General Baking Recommendations • Whencookingfoodsforthefirsttimeinyournewoven,userecipecookingtimes and temperatures as a guide. • Use tested recipes from reliable sources. • Preheat the oven only when necessary. For baked foods

Your Jenn-Air convection oven combines the best of two cooking methods, convection and radiant bake (conventional) baking or roasting, in a self-cleaning oven. The Jenn-Air convection oven is actually a conventional oven that circulates heatedairwithinthe oven. As bothbake andbroil heatingelementscycle onand offwiththethermostat,afankeepstheheated aircirculatingaroundthefood. The constantly recirculating heated air in the convection oven strips away the layer of cooler air that surrounds food. C

2-3 Controls at aGlance ............................ 4-6 Function Pads .................................. 4-5 Setting the Clock ................................ 5 Setting the Timers ........................... 5-6 Oven Control Lockout ....................... 6 Adjusting Oven Temperature ............ .7 Oven Vent & Light ............................. 7 Oven Operation .................................. 8-16 Baking, Roasting and Convection Cooking ..................... 8 Oven Fans .................

::_y+.';!;_ =========================:::::_.; ::::::::::::::::::::::::: MODEL WW27430 For Microwave Oven, refer to Else and Care M_nual pscked inMicrowave Oven. CongratulationsonyourchoiceofaJenn-Airwalloven. YourJenn-Airconvectionoven combinesthebestoffourcookingmethods:conventionalbakingor roasting,convection baking,convectionroasting, andbroiling,inaself-cleaningoven. TheJenn-Airconvectionovenisactuallya conventionaloventhat circulatesheatedair within the oven. As both bake and broil heating

29 To set oven to start cleaning at a later time 1-3. FollowSteps 1-3 in previoussection on page 29. 4. Touch Stop Time Pad. Indicator Words STOP TIME will flash in the Display. The IndicatorWord CLEAN and the calculated stop time will also appear in Display. Note WW27430Owners:The appropriateletter (U-upperoven;L-loweroven) and OVEN will also flash. 5. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter stop time, Astoptimecanonlybeacceptedforlater inthe day. If anunacceptable stoptime is entered, "Err"

Jenn-AirServiceContractoror installer. NOTE:To changetheovento a 24hourclockor Celsius(C)degrees, contact yourauthorized 7 • _!;_:i _::i!_ _!E_'_!::_:_:,i_;_i:_'_!_!_:L_,_:_i __: i!__ "_; ; To set oven on Bake or Convect Bake or Convect Roast 1. Place oven racks on proper rack positions• (See page 9.) 2, Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad. Indicator Words BAKE or CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST will flash and three dashes will be shown. Note: if more than five seconds elapse between

Therefore, follow all nine steps. l IMPORTANT:Bothestimatedcooktime and stop time must be set or oven will]( 1-5. Follow preceding steps 1-5 on pages 22-23. 6. Touch Cook Time Pad. Indicator Words COOK TiME wilt flash and Display will show "0 HR :00". Note WW27430Owners: Theappropriateletter(U-upperoven;L-loweroven) and OVEN will also flash. 7. Touchtheappropriatenumberpads toentercookinghoursin5 minuteincrements. Hours are to left of colon and minutes to right of colon. (Allowable rangeis 5 min