heruntergeladen wurde: 7   Dateigröße: 2 mb   Hersteller: Harman Stove Company  
Kategorie: Warmwasserbereiter

The diagrams in this manual are meant to show the necessary equipment and piping. Your system may look very different. However, if configured properly, the same results will be achieved. Fig. 6 shows a typical plumbing diagram for tying into an existing system. This method provides water circulation between the two boilers with a circulating pump. In this setup, the domestic water coil in the existing boiler will be heated, making it unnecessary to install a water coil in the Trident Boiler. Tyi

heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 2 mb   Hersteller: Harman Stove Company  
Kategorie: Warmwasserbereiter

The maximum air bolt can be turned all the way “counter- clockwise” to allow for a quicker recovery. Never adjust this bolt with the flapper open. The two manual draft controls, on the firebox door, are used to allow secondary air to pass over the fire when burning coal. This helps to burn the gasses that are emitted from the coal as it is heated. Your setting for these draft controls should be between 1/2 and 1 complete turn from closed. Adjust both controls equally. Operation Safety Tips When

heruntergeladen wurde: 8   Dateigröße: 2 mb   Hersteller: Harman Stove Company  
Kategorie: Warmwasserbereiter

IF THIS HARMAN BOILER IS NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED, A HOUSE FIRE MAY RESULT. FOR YOUR SAFETY, FOLLOW INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS. CONTACT LOCAL BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS ABOUT RESTRICTIONS AND INSTALLATION INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS IN YOUR AREA. Contact your local authority (such as municipal building department, fire department, fire prevention bureau, etc.) to determine the need for a permit. Cette guide d’utilisation est disponible en francais. Chez votre concessionnaire de Harman Stove Company. Save

heruntergeladen wurde: 5   Dateigröße: 5 mb   Hersteller: Harman Stove Company  
Kategorie: Warmwasserbereiter

• Follow all instructions containe d in this manual BEfore insta llation and use of this boiler: • Please Read and understan d this entire manual. Consult your local authorities having jurisdiction. • Contact your municipal building department, Fire department, or other local authorities before insta lling this boiler. • Local building regulations may require special permits, restrictions and ins pection requirements. save these instructions The Harman PB 105 Pellet Boiler Installation & Operati
