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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Records images continuously up to the storage capacity. On- Settings Contents screen display Off Disable the function. None On Continuous shot is executed. When an error (such as memory full) occurs during continuous recording, recording is ended and an error message is displayed. When pressing PHOTO button, it records continuously to a maximum number (15) of photo images at about 0.3 seconds intervals. 63_ English Resolution MiTopeiTe va sttiäs^sts Tqv avaAuoq twv cpwioYpacpicov ttou TTpÖKeuai va £YYpa^£T£. Pu0[jiCT£IS n£pi£xö|J£va EvSsi^si? miTr)? o0övr)? 2048x1536 EttiAe^te to yia EYypacpn oe ui|jr|An aväAuor). m 1440x1080 EttiAe^te to yia EYypacpn oe |JETpia aväAuor). EU 640x480 EttiAe^te to yia Eyypacpn oe xaMH^n aväAuor). S IXEtikö (je ti<; Ä8TTTO|J8p8i(^ xwpr|TiKÖTr|T££ Ttov eiKÖvtov, avaTp£^T£ orr) OEAiöa 28. Ra Triv e(j(pävioT) tojv cpajTOYpacpitov, ui|ir|AÖTepr| aväAuori or|[jaiva uqjriAÖTepri TTOiÖTr|Ta siKÖva«;. 0 ap0[JÖ<;Ttov cptoTOYpacpitovTTOu |jTTopoüv va EYYpatpoüv öiacpepei, aväÄOYa (je to TTEpißäAAov EYYpatpn«;. 01 (pcüTOYpa(pi£<;TTOu ¿xouv EYYpatpsi auö tt| ßivT£OKä|j£pa HD evöexetoi va (jr)v avanapäYOVTai otoorä ae äAAa; i|ir|(piaK£<;auCTKaj£<;TTOu öev UTToarrip^ouv to CTUYK£Kpi|jevo (jev£0o<; (ptoToypacpiat;. Oi cp cot ©Ypaq) ie
Kameras - VP-HMX10 (16.69 mb)
Kameras - VP-HMX10A (16.69 mb)
Kameras - VP-HMX10C (16.69 mb)
Kameras - VP-HMX10ED (16.69 mb)