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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Document Outline
- HP XP P9000 Audit Log User and Reference Guide
- Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Using audit logs
- 3 Quick reference
- 4 Audit log examples
- Audit Log descriptions
- ACM descriptions
- BASE descriptions
- [BASE] Certificate Update
- [BASE] Control Panel Backup
- [BASE] Control Panel Restore
- [BASE] Create Conf Report
- [BASE] Delete CVAE Info
- [BASE] Delete Reports
- [BASE] Delete Tasks
- [BASE] Disable Auto Delete
- [BASE] Edit SIM Syslog Serv
- [BASE] Edit Storage System
- [BASE] Enable Auto Delete
- [BASE] Entry Tasks
- [BASE] Environment Setting
- [BASE] HCSSO Authentication
- [BASE] HCSSO SetOneTimeKey
- [BASE] Login
- [BASE] Logout
- [BASE] Release HTTP Block
- [BASE] Resume Tasks
- [BASE] Set CVAE Info
- [BASE] Set Up HTTP Block
- [BASE] Suspend Tasks
- [BASE] Unlock Forcibly
- [BASE] Update SMIS CrtFiles
- [BASE] Upload SMIS ConfFile
- Parallel Access Volumes descriptions
- E-Mail descriptions
- Compatible FlashCopy descriptions
- ESAM descriptions
- Information descriptions
- Install descriptions
- [Install] Add Host Group
- [Install] Add LU Path
- [Install] Add WWN
- [Install] All Config
- [Install] Backup Config
- [Install] Change Host Group
- [Install] Change WWN
- [Install] Cache Residency Prestaging
- [Install] Define Config.
- [Install] Delete DKC WWN
- [Install] Delete Host Group
- [Install] Delete LU Path
- [Install] Delete WWN
- [Install] Dku Emulation
- [Install] FlashDrive ORM Value
- [Install] Force Reset
- [Install] Format
- [Install] Format Stop
- [Install] Initialize ORM Value
- [Install] Install
- [Install] Install CV
- [Install] Machine Install Date
- [Install] Make LUSE
- [Install] Make Volume
- [Install] Micro Program
- [Install] MP Install
- [Install] M/F DCR
- [Install] Open DCR
- [Install] Release LUSE
- [Install] Remove
- [Install] Restore Config.
- [Install] Set Battery Life
- [Install] Set Channel Speed
- [Install] Set CommandDev
- [Install] Set CommandDevSec
- [Install] Set DevGrpDef
- [Install] Set Fibre Address
- [Install] Set Fibre Topology
- [Install] Set Host Mode
- [Install] Set IP Address
- [Install] Set Security Switch
- [Install] Set Subsystem Time
- [Install] Set UserAuth
- [Install] System Option
- [Install] System Tuning
- [Install] Update Config
- [Install] Volume to Space
- Local Replication Descriptions
- [Local Replication] Add Reserve VOLs
- [Local Replication] Create pairs
- [Local Replication] Delete pairs
- [Local Replication] Edit Options
- [Local Replication] Edit SCP Time
- [Local Replication] Release Reserved CTG
- [Local Replication] Remove Reserve VOLs
- [Local Replication] Reserve CTG
- [Local Replication] Resync pairs
- [Local Replication] Split pairs
- [Local Replication] Suspend pairs
- Maintenance descriptions
- [Maintenance] Blockade
- [Maintenance] Correction Copy
- [Maintenance] Drive Interrupt
- [Maintenance] Format
- [Maintenance] Format Stop
- [Maintenance] MP Restore
- [Maintenance] PCB Restore
- [Maintenance] Pre QuickFormat Stop
- [Maintenance] Quick Format
- [Maintenance] Replace
- [Maintenance] Restore
- [Maintenance] Restore Data
- [Maintenance] Set Battery Life
- [Maintenance] Size Change
- [Maintenance] Spare Disk
- [Maintenance] Switch SVP
- [Maintenance] Transfer Config
- [Maintenance] Type Change
- [Maintenance] Verify
- [Maintenance] Verify Stop
- Monitor Descriptions
- Performance Monitor descriptions
- Program Product Key (PP KEY) descriptions
- Provisioning descriptions
- [PROV] Add Host Group
- [PROV] Add Hosts
- [PROV] Add LU Path
- [PROV] Add LUN Paths
- [PROV] Add WWN
- [PROV] Assign MP Blade
- [PROV] Block LDEVs
- [PROV] Change Host Group
- [PROV] Complete SIMs
- [PROV] Create Host Groups
- [PROV] Create LDEVs
- [PROV] Create Resource Grps
- [PROV] Create/Expand Pools
- [PROV] Delete Host Group
- [PROV] Delete Host Groups
- [PROV] Delete LDEVs
- [PROV] Delete Login WWNs
- [PROV] Delete LU Path
- [PROV] Delete LUN Paths
- [PROV] Delete Resource Grps
- [PROV] Delete WWN
- [PROV] DRU Expiration-Lock
- [PROV] Edit Cmd Dev(Auth)
- [PROV] Edit Cmd Dev(DevGrp)
- [PROV] Edit Cmd Dev(Sec)
- [PROV] Edit Command Devices
- [PROV] Edit DRU Attribute
- [PROV] Edit Host
- [PROV] Edit Host Grps(Mode)
- [PROV] Edit Host Grps(Name)
- [PROV] Edit LDEVs(tier)
- [PROV] Edit LDEV Tier Rank
- [PROV] Edit MP Blades
- [PROV] Edit Ports(Address)
- [PROV] Edit Ports(Attr)
- [PROV] Edit Ports(Security)
- [PROV] Edit Ports(Speed)
- [PROV] Edit Ports(Topology)
- [PROV] Edit Resource Grp
- [PROV] Edit Tiering Policy
- [PROV] Edit VR Attribute
- [PROV] Edit V-VOL Option
- [PROV] Edit/Delete Pools
- [PROV] Edit/Delete UUIDs
- [PROV] Expand V-VOLs
- [PROV] Format LDEVs
- [PROV] Format LDEVs(H)
- [PROV] Format LDEVs(Q)
- [PROV] Initialize Pools
- [PROV] LDEV Name
- [PROV] Make LUSE
- [PROV] Map Virtual HostGrp
- [PROV] Map Virtual LDEV
- [PROV] Monitor Pools
- [PROV] Move Resources
- [PROV] Pool Name
- [PROV] Reclaim Zero Pages
- [PROV] Release HostReserved
- [PROV] Release LUSE
- [PROV] Relocate Pool
- [PROV] Remove Hosts
- [PROV] Restore LDEVs
- [PROV] Restore Pools
- [PROV] Set Channel Speed
- [PROV] Set CommandDev
- [PROV] Set CommandDevSec
- [PROV] Set DevGrpDef
- [PROV] Set FCSP Host
- [PROV] Set FCSP Port Info
- [PROV] Set FCSP Port Switch
- [PROV] Set FCSP Target
- [PROV] Set Fibre Address
- [PROV] Set Fibre Topology
- [PROV] Set Host Mode
- [PROV] Set PageTieringLevel
- [PROV] Set Security Switch
- [PROV] Set UserAuth
- [PROV] Shrink Pool
- [PROV] Stop Monitoring
- [PROV] Stop Reclm ZeroPages
- [PROV] Stop Relocating
- [PROV] Stop Shrinking Pool
- RCU descriptions
- Remote Maintenance descriptions
- Business Copy descriptions
- Business Copy Z descriptions
- Snapshot descriptions
- SNMP API descriptions
- Performance Control Descriptions
- Spreadsheet descriptions
- Continuous Access Synchronous descriptions
- Continuous Access Synchronous Z descriptions
- Continuous Access Journal descriptions
- Continuous Access Journal Z descriptions
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Add-Pair
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Change-JNL-Option
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Change-Mirror-Option
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Clear-SIM
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Delete-Pair
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Edit-EXCTG
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Journal-Vol
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Journal-Vol
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Pair-Option
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] R-Cmd.Dev.
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Resume-Pair
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] Suspend-Pair
- [Cnt Ac-J Z] System-Option
- External Storage descriptions
- [Ext Stor] Add External Volumes
- [Ext Stor] Assign MP Blade
- [Ext Stor] Delete ES VOLs
- [Ext Stor] Disconnect ES Paths
- [Ext Stor] Disconnect ES VOLs
- [Ext Stor] Edit ES Path Config
- [Ext Stor] Edit ES VOLs
- [Ext Stor] Edit External WWNs
- [Ext Stor] Merge ES Path Grps
- [Ext Stor] ProfileUpgrade
- [Ext Stor] Reconnect ES Paths
- [Ext Stor] Reconnect ES VOLs
- [Ext Stor] Split ES Path Grp
- Auto LUN descriptions
- Cache Partition descriptions
- Volume Shredder descriptions
- Volume Security for Mainframe Descriptions
- Compatible XRC descriptions
- HDD Easy Replace descriptions
- 5 Audit log examples of commands sent from the host
- 6 Audit log examples for encryption key operations
- [ENC] Backup Keys
- [ENC] Backup Keys to File
- [ENC] Backup Keys to Serv
- [ENC] Create Keys
- [ENC] Create Keys On Serv
- [ENC] Delete Keys
- [ENC] Delete Keys on Serv
- [ENC] DwnGrd Format of Enc
- [ENC] Edit Encryption
- [ENC] Edit Password Policy
- [ENC] Generate Keys on Srv
- [ENC] Restore Keys
- [ENC] Restore Keys fr File
- [ENC] Restore Keys fr Serv
- [ENC] Set keys to DKC
- [ENC] Setup Key Mng Serv
- 7 Audit log examples for single sign-on
- 8 Support and other resources
- A Audit log user operations
- B Audit log SVP operations
- C Conventions
- D Audit log GUI reference
- Glossary
- Index