heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 518 kb   Hersteller: Hasbro  
Kategorie: Kraftstationen

To avoid injury and to prevent possible strangulation and entanglement injury, NEVER place gym in crib or playpen. NEVER add strings, ties or other products to gym. Remove gym from the children's environment when they begin to stand up. /K CAUTION: This Product contains small parts which are necessary for assembly. Prior to and during assembly of this product, keep small parts out of children's reach. Small parts pose a choke hazard to children under 3 years. TO ASSEMBLE H Match pivot pie

heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 3 mb   Hersteller: Hasbro  
Kategorie: Kraftstationen

Class 1 LED product. Some assembly required. Adjustable wrench and screwdriver required (not included). 1 b, or play on base or poles. When adjusti eep hands and both bases are filled full with fingers away g parts. re each use. Fill bases with elean Surface bene -mwt be smooth and tap wabf only. free of objects that cgPW cause punctures. PRIOR TbASSEMBLY rT .T1 0 Ball 2TanksWh Caps (Left and Right) Top Holder n Pin 2 Top Posts IControl unit (Top Posts are part of the same assembly) Control Unit
