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Kategorie: Trockner

3 Bolt the dryer to the stand using the four 5/16”-18 bolts provided. Tools for installation: . 3/8” and 9/16” wrench . Hoist Mounting the Dryer and Hopper on a Mobile Floor Stand CAUTION: To prevent accident and injury, lift the empty hopper and the dryer onto the mobile floor stand using a hoist and the lifting lugs provided. Tools for installation: . 5/32” Allen wrench . 3/8” and 9/16” wrench . Phillips screwdriver . Flathead screwdriver . Hoist and strap 1 Lift the hopper onto the mobile flo

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Kategorie: Trockner

With the power removed, check the overload settings and confirm that the settings match the full load amps listed on the process blower motor. Wait 3 to 15 minutes with the power on until the dryer indicates the overload condition has cleared then try to restart the dryer. 6Troubleshooting Troubleshooting l 6-9 Passive Alarms If the amber Acknowledge Alarm LED is blinking, the alarm is a passive alarm. The dryer continues to operate, but this problem could prevent correct drying of your material

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Kategorie: Trockner

It’s a good idea to record the model and serial number(s) of your equipment and the date you received it in the User Guide. Our service department uses this information, along with the manual number, to provide help for the specific equipment you installed. Please keep this User Guide and all manuals, engineering prints and parts lists together for documentation of your equipment. Date: Manual Number: UGD024/0304 Serial Number(s): Model Number(s): DISCLAIMER: The Conair Group, Inc., shall not be

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Kategorie: Trockner

(3.8 7.6 liters/min.) tower, city, or chiller water at temperatures of 40° to 85°F (4° to 29°C). Pipe should be run to the planned dryer location. Use flexible hose to connect the water pipes to the aftercooler and precooler. If the dryer has an optional flow control, see Appendix D for connection information. . .. Minimum clearance for safe operation and maintenance. You should maintain 24 in. (61 cm) clearance on at least three sides of the dryer. If the dryer is mounted with a hopper on a pro

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Kategorie: Trockner

Menu 6 Screen 10. This screen shows the setting of the setback load rate option. It can be set to Off or On. “Off” turns the setback load rate function off, and the dryer will not change the process set point. The "On" setting tells the dryer to go into setback when the load rate gets to its set number of loads per hour Menu 8, Screen 12. (continued next page) 4Operation Operation l 4-11 Control Function Descriptions (continued) Screen Function Screens 15-27 require access code 754. Screen 28-43
