Anleitung Zusammenfassung
7, the E-16 OUTPUT 1-16 signals are connected to the channels 1 - 16 INPUT faders (17) (GROUP/SUB selector (2) - SUB). Then, VO and SYN are connected to INPUT faders of channels 17, 18 (GROUP/SUB selector (2) - GROUP). GROUP buss 1, 2 are used for sends to TRK 15, 16 and the signal to be monitored is sent to the STEREO buss (Be careful in setting assign switches (10), (11), (12) and PAN (13). If the channels 15,16 assign 1-2, in particular, is switched ON, it will create a loop and thus result in feed backs.). AUX 1 - 4 sends (8) and D.OUT jacks (38) of each channel are used for sends to the effect unit and the effect outputs are returned to the GROUP IN jacks 3, 4 or INPUT jacks (33), (34) that are not in use; and the sound of GROUP buss 3, 4 are sent to the STEREO buss by the GROUP TO STEREO section (20), (21); or send the effect sound of SUB MIX section (3), (4) to the STEREO buss by setting the CUE/L-R selector (5) to L-R. Total sound volume of the monitor (dry sound + processed sound) is adjusted by the STEREO master fader (22) and monitored by selecting the MONITOR selector (26) to STEREO. NOTE: When making a connecting such as D.OUT jack (38) -► effect unit -» INPUT jack (33), (34) of the same channel (or the TAPE IN jack (36)), be very careful how the GROUP/SUB selector (2) is set. In this example, it will create a feedback loop if GROUP is selected. 13 [Proeeaeorl fpYoccsso-j |Pi«;o35iK| iPioccBgc* | |Proccsao-| vo syv i TOWJU oo 00 oo E-16 OlfTFUT- 1-16 SwJ level 10 vtomtor level TftK 15. 16. ircKKlnxj cftocus. o2 jpg pg aSQgOo oco (600)060[665]coo:6oo Fig. 7 Overdubbing (Assuming offoct processing) Ccnutf the c^fsct sou»i vcHunQ and coispeciive which utilizes O.OUT. Cunlrol souixl voJuna! ot reveib to be aAiod to eac* tracK. Control morvto- level ot TflK 1- 16. Control Krspo;ilve ot ot-(ecl sound returned to GROUP 3. 4 IS« 10 con-slant gain). Control loiiil sour»3 volume ot nwiita. Control sound vdiJiio of ettoct returned to GROUP IN 3.4 ffl. PING-PONG RECORDING What is ping-pong recording? Combining the playback sounds of a multiple number of pre-recorded tracks by a mixer, then recording the mixed signal onto another track is called "ping-pong recording.” This is a very convenient method when a number of sound sources must be recorded onto a limited number of tracks as ping-pong recording allows overdubbing new sound sources over the old tracks. Refer to Fig. 8. This is an example of stereo mixing with this mixer the output signals of the E-16 TRK 1 - 7 (the basic tracks of the above example) and ping-pong recording on TRK 15 and TRK 16. GROUP buss 1 and 2 were used for sends to the recorder at overdubbing (Refer to Fig. 2) but here, let's consider using the STEREO buss. The GROUP buss, of course, can be used but as more input sources can be mixed by using the STEREO buss, this is especially advantageous during ping-pong recording. The reason for this is in the fact that sounds which have been ping-pong recorded cannot be separately processed at mixdown. Consequently, when ping-pong recording, it is necessary to process the tracks brfore they are sent to the recording track. Thus, the buss which allows mixing more effect returns will be better. First, output signals of TRK 1 - 7 are connected to the channels 1 ~ 7 INPUT faders (17) (GROUP/SUB selector (2) -* SUB). Then, these signals are sent to the STEREO buss by the assign L-R switch (12) and PAN (13), and further, sent via the STEREO master fader (23) to TRK 15,16 from the STEREO OUT jack 1 (43). For monitoring the TRK 15,16 output signals are sent to SUB MIX sections (3). (4) (GROUP/SUB selector (2) -> GROUP), and the CUE buss is monitored by setting the CUE/L-R selector (5) to CUE (CUE master level knob (31) —► raise level; MONITOR selector (26) -* CUE). For effect processing, D.OUT jack (38) and AUX 1 - 4 sends (8) are used. The returns from D.OUT jack (38) is connected to INPUT jacks (33), (34) of the same channel, sound volume and perspective determined at the SUB MIX sections (3) and (4), then sent to the STEREO buss by the CUE/L-R selector (5). Effect returns from the AUX OUT jacks 1 ~ 4 (39) are connected to the channels 15-18 INPUT jacks (33) and (34), each sound volume adjusted by the INPUT fader (17), the perspectives set by the assign L-R switch (12) and PAN (13), then sent to the STEREO buss. Effect sound timbre is adjusted by EQ (7). When ping-pong recording by this method, be careful in selecting the GROUP/SUB selector (2) for channels 1 - 7 and 15, 16, in addition to precautions in the schematic. If these selections are made in reverse, it will create a loop between the effect IN/OUT and between IN/OUT of TRK 15, 16, and could result in feedback. 14 Fig. 8 IV. MIXDOWN What is mixdown After finishing all recording on the multitrack recorder, combining into stereo (or monaural) the playback sound of all tracks thru the mixer, then copying it onto a master tape is called ‘‘mixdown.” This is an im...
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