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heruntergeladen wurde: 64   Dateigröße: 620 kb   Hersteller: Sherwood  
Kategorie: Kompakt-Stereoanlagen

It will explain the features and operation of your Unit and help a trouble free installation. Please unpack your Cassette Deck carefully. We recommend that you save the carton and packing material. They will be helpful if you ever need to move your unit and may be required if you ever need to return it for service. Your Cassette Deck is designed to be placed in a horizontal position and it is important to allow at least two inches of space behind your unit for adequate ventilation and cabling co

heruntergeladen wurde: 11   Dateigröße: 350 kb   Hersteller: Sherwood  
Kategorie: Kompakt-Stereoanlagen

AUTO TAPE SELECTOR The type of tape loaded is detected automatically by the auto tape selector and recording bias and equalization are set automatically according to the characteristic of that tape such as normal or chrome(CrO2) tape. 8 9 ENGLISH Operations • To use the system remote control unit of Sherwood system receiver RX-801R, first connect the SYSTEM CONNECTOR jack of this unit to that of RX-801R.(Refer to the operating instructions of the RX-801R.) PLAYING BACK A TAPE In case of the tape
