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Replace the Cover and Connect All Cables
1. Replace the cooling duct/cover:
Cooling Duct/Cover
Install the cooling duct/cover before
Tabs and Slots
replacing the NetServer cover. The cooling
duct/cover must be installed to avoid
damage to the NetServer caused by lack of
proper cooling.
Insert the tabs at the rear of the cooling duct/cover into the
Rear of Chassis
slots at the top rear of the chassis. Lower the cooling
duct/cover, working it past the heat sink until the cover hook
engages with the top of the chassis. Plug the fan cable into
the connector on the power supply harness.
Clips Inside
2. Replace the NetServer cover:
Rear of Cover
! Align the rear lower corners of the cover with the
channels in the chassis
! Place one hand on either side of the cover and press
Bottom of Cover
inward lightly to assist aligning clips on the inside edge of
the cover with the rear edge of the chassis
! Close the cover firmly
! Lower the release latches on the sides of the front of the
! Lock the cover with the key provided
3. Connect the power cord and all other cables.
Bottom of Chassis
Verify Installed Accessories (Optional)
11 Ifyouwish,youmaynowverifyaccessoriesyouhaveinstalled.These 2.
View the System Hardware
include memory, mass storage devices, and plug-and-play accessory
Summary screen: When prompted on the screen, press the
Escape key to display the System Hardware Summary screen.
To verify installed hardware:
Immediately press [F5] to continue viewing the screen. The System
Hardware Summary screen shows the NetServer's hardware
1. View the boot screen: Turn on the HP NetServer and monitor.
configuration. This includes:
View the text that displays on the boot screen as the system boots.
This includes:
System memory
• System memory
Cache memory
• Cache memory
Plug-and-play adapter boards
• Plug-and-play adapter boards
Non-plug-and-play adapter boards installed in
• IDE mass storage devices
the NetServer cannot be detected at boot time.
• SCSI mass storage devices
Only plug-and-play boards will be displayed on
the System Hardware Summary screen.
Non-plug-and-play adapter boards installed in
SCSI devices connected to a SCSI adapter
the NetServer cannot be detected at boot time.
board cannot be displayed at boot time. Only
Only plug-and-play boards will be displayed on
IDE mass storage devices will be displayed on
the boot screen.
the System Hardware Summary screen.
IDE mass storage devices
Any hardware you have installed that does not show up on either
of these screens (excluding the exceptions noted above) indicates a
defective component or improper installation.
Configure the HP
12 1.TurnontheHPNetServerandmonitor,andinsertthe 5.ObtainIntranetWarekey:Ifyouareinstallingtheoptional
HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Turn
IntranetWare for Small Business software included with your NetServer
the power off, wait 10 seconds and turn the power on again. If the
(E 45 only), obtain the activation key prior to beginning NOS installation.
system fails to boot, follow the instructions on the screen:
Use the key request form in the NetServer Software Option package.
! Press F2 to enter Setup, or
6. Select the installation mode: If you choose certain versions of
! Press F4 to accept automatic configuration update
Novell NetWare / IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server, you
will be prompted to choose between automated or manual NOS install.
Allocate system resources to ISA
Choose automated mode for first-time installation of Novell
boards: If you have installed ISA non-plug-and-play accessory
boards, you must now allocate system resources to each of these
NetWare/IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server on a factory-
boards. For instructions on allocating system resources, refer to
configured HP E-Series NetServer.
"Configuring ISA Non-Plug-and-Play Boards" in Chapter 4,
Perform a manual install if you are installing a NOS other than Novell
"Accessories" in the HP NetServer E 45 and E 50 User Guide.
NetWare/IntranetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server, or if you
replaced HP components (for example, replacing an HP NIC or SCSI
Run Configuration Assistant: Go to
controller board with a third-party board).
the HP NetServer Navigator Main Menu and choose
"Configuration Assistant." Choose "Express" from the next screen
7. Install the NOS: If you selected the HP automated installation
to begin the configuration process.
process, you will be guided through the process by a series of HP
display screens.
4. Select the NOS you want to install.
If you selected the NOS vendor's installation process (manual install),
view and print the HP NOS installation instructions, and create the
driver disk(s) for the NOS. Install the NOS using the installation utility
If you plan to use the Remote Console Redirection
supplied with the NOS.
feature to run TopTools utilities remotely, you must
8. Install or Configure Tape Backup Software: If your
create the utility partition. If you choose "Express"
configuration, the partition will be created
NetServer includes a preinstalled tape backup device, install and
automatically. If you perform a "Custom"
configure the tape backup software now. (See the Tape Backup Getting
configuration, you will need to choose
Started Guide for instructions on installing and configuring the tape
"Install/Update Utility Partition" from within
backup software).
Configuration Assistant to create the partition.
9. Refer to Information Assistant on the HP Navigator CD-ROM
for further information about your HP NetServer-- it is your reference.
...Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:
PC Desktops - HP NetServer E 40 (339.62 kb)
PC Desktops - HP NetServer E 45 (339.62 kb)
PC Desktops - HP NetServer E 50 (339.62 kb)
PC Desktops - HP NetServer E 55 (339.62 kb)