Anleitung Zusammenfassung
The visual effect of these fires is controlled by the placing of the fuel effect, try slight adjustments. g) Popping 1. Some popping will always be present - severe popping can be caused by incorrect burner pressure. 2. Not enough clay beads. 3. Try slight adjustments to the fuel effect. 23 SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS FAULT FINDING CHARTS Yes IGNITION FUNCTIONAL CHECK 2NO SPARKEnsure there is no debris around the pilot assembly,(e.g. coal, soot etc.) which could short the spark, clean the area.Consult the usersinstructions, retry. Operate the valve tolight the pilot, does thevalve 'click'?Is the gap betweenelectrode and thermocoupleas in diagram 13 inreplacing parts section?Has ignition leadbecome detached or isconnection poor?Remove the electrode leadfrom electrode with insulatedpliers. Hold the tip 3.5mm from thepilot pipework, is there a sparkwhen the valve ‘clicks’?Is the electrode wiredetachable from the piezoin the valve?Replace the combined leadand piezo, retry. Correct and retry.Check for defective ordamaged control knob spindleor cam operation. Check forcorrect location of piezocomponents. Correct and retry.Remove the electrode lead fromthe piezo. Operate the valve.Does a spark jump from thepiezo to the valve body?Is the valve beingoperated correctly?Reset the electrode gap, retry. YesYesNoNoNo YesYes Yes NoNo Replace the ODS unit. Replace the piezonand retry Replace the electrodelead and retry. Yes No IGNITION FUNCTIONAL CHECK 1PILOT WILL NOT LIGHTEnsure there is no debris around the pilot assembly, (e.g. soot, etc.)which could short the spark, clean the area. Check for fluff in thepilot aeration hole. See diagram 13, arrow A in replacing parts sectionOperate the valve.Is there a spark?Consult UserInstructions and retry.Ensure gap betweenelectrode and thermocoupleis as diagram 13 in replacingparts section and retry. If thegap is OK then first changethe ignition lead and retry, ifstill no good then change thepiezoCheck isolation tap andgas meter, retry.Correct andretry.Purge the gas pipes and retry.SEE NO SPARK CHART SYSTEM OKThere is a blockage in the system, check the mag seating valve and gas filter. Is the gas turned on to theappliance?Is the gas pressure correct?Has the system gotany air in it?Does the pilot light?Is the control beingoperated correctly?Will the pilot lightwith a match? No Yes NoYesNoYesYesNo NoYes NoNo YesYes No 24 PILOT WILL NOT STAY LIT OR FIRE GOES OUT IN USEIf the appliance goes out in use continually, this may mean that the oxygendepletion sensor has been activated. The appliance should not be used until thecause has been found and rectified.FLAME FAILURE FUNCTIONAL CHECK 3 Yes With the pilotrunning is the gaspressure as stated on the databadge? No Yes Is the pilot flame of thecorrect length? Seediagram 13 in replacingparts section. No With the fire runningon full is the gas atthe pressure stated Ensure there is no debris around the pilot assembly,(e.g. coal, soot etc.) Check for fluff in the pilot aeration hole.See diagram 13 arrow A in replacing parts section.Will pilotstay alight? No YesLight the pilot and keep the control knob pushed inat least 10 seconds before letting go. No on the databadge? Yes Problem is with thepipework orfittings which leadto the fire. Correctand retry. Will pilot Yes stay alight? Is thermocoupleconnection goodin back of valve?Replace ODS unit.Change magunit. Change theODS unit. Run for 3 mins,turn off, time intervaluntil mag unit shutswith a click. Is thisgreater than 7seconds?Run for 3 mins, turnoff, time interval untilmag unit shuts with aclick. Is this greaterthan 7 seconds?Tighten theconnection and retry. No No No SYSTEM OK Yes Yes No Yes SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS FAULT FINDING CHARTS 25 SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS REPLACING PARTS 1. FIRE REMOVAL 1.1 Turn the gas supply off at the isolation device, remove the decorative ashpan cover and disconnect the gas supply pipe from the inlet. 1.2 Carefully remove all the loose ceramic fuelbed pieces and place on a dry clean surface. 1.3 Remove the outer decorative basket and place to one side. 1.4 Undo the two screws securing the fire to the hearth. See diagram 1. 1.5 Lift the fire away from the hearth and carefully tip the firebeads (or glass granules if applicable) into a dry clean container for later replacement. 1 2. IGNITION LEAD 2.1 It should be possible to replace the ignition lead without removing the fire, if this proves difficult the the fire should be removed, see section 1. 2.2 Undo the screw thar secures the left-hand side of the control cover. See diagram 2. 2 2.3 To release the right hand side of the control cover insert a narrow blade screwdriver into the slot shown in diagram 3, lever it gently and pull from the right hand side at the same time. The cover will now come off, there is a small cylindrical spacer inside the cover, this must be kept and replaced on the fixing screw during re-assembly. 3 2.4 Disconnect the ignition lead from the gas valve and gently pull the other end off the pilot el...
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