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Kategorie: Bohrmaschinen und Schrauber

SPLIT- A LAP is the time for one segment (lap) of an event. LAP — — - How to operate the stopwatch • Normal time measurement START 0 a Press @. STOP (a) Press @. Press B to reset to zero. Net times (Accumulated time excluding loss time) STOP START (a) (a) (Lost time) START 0 STOP (a+b) Press A . Press A . Press A . Press A . Press B to reset to zero. • SPLIT timing START 0 a (a) (a+b) (a+b+c) SPLIT (a) SPLIT (a+b) SPLIT (a+b+c) Press A in SPLIT mode. Press B

heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 89 kb   Hersteller: Casio  
Kategorie: Bohrmaschinen und Schrauber

Press again to display the ongoing time measurement. You can repeat the LAP/SpLIT time operation as many times you want. Pressing this button while elapsed time measurement is stopped resets the time to all zeros. © Press this button to toggle between the SPLIT time mode and LAP time mode. • The maximum elapsed time that can be measured is 9 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds. A SPLIT is the time from the start of an event up to any specific point. SPLIT- A LAP is the time for one segment (lap

heruntergeladen wurde: 0   Dateigröße: 105 kb   Hersteller: Casio  
Kategorie: Bohrmaschinen und Schrauber

Press to change the alarm time setting (DOWN). •The alarm time appears in place of the date on the display whenever the alarm switch is set to ON or SNOOZE. •The backlight also turns on for the first four seconds that the alarm sounds. •The alarm sound changes over five levels as it sounds. Stopping the Alarm •When alarm is sounding, press the SNOOZE button (11111) to stop it. When the snooze feature is turned on, the alarm will sound again in about five minutes. •To turn off the snooze feature,
