heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 1 mb   Hersteller: Associated Equipment  
Kategorie: Luftreiniger

Read the Safety Precautionsandwamingscontainedwithin orlor to operaling this macftine. ACE INDUSTRIAL PROOUCTS A Ott lslitn Ol: Assoclated Equlpment Corporatlon 5043 Fadin Avenuo Stt uis,MO 63115 PHONE314-3895178 FAX 3143a5€254 READ AND SAVETHESE'INSTRUCTIONS. SAFETY WARNINGS & CAUTIONS CAUTION: 1. FAILURETO OBSERVEfiE FOLLOW. (ArRFLOWBLOCKAGE) COULDRESULTIN SE ING.PRECAUTIONS Sinco exhaust air leav€sthe top of this unit, DEATH IN EX RIOUS INJURY. INCLUDING caution should b€ observed notto posit

heruntergeladen wurde: 1   Dateigröße: 1 mb   Hersteller: Associated Equipment  
Kategorie: Luftreiniger

SAFETY.WARNINGS& CAUTIONS CAUTION: 1. FAILURETO OBSERVETHEFOLIOW. (ArRFLOWBLOCKAGE) ING PRECAUTIONS COULDBESULTIN SE- Sinca €xhaust air loav€s $e end of this unil, RIOUS INJURY. INCLUDING DEATH IN EX. cautionshould be obs€rvod not to positionunit TREMECASES. SAVE THESE INSTRUC. in sucfi a way as to block the oxhausl TtoNs. WARNING: (EXPLOSTONHAZARD) Tils unll contalns parts whlctr can arc or sparl( durinq normal op€ration. Do not uss In areas conta;nlnatedb'i votatile or flamible materials as th

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Kategorie: Luftreiniger

WARNING:(EXPLoSION HAZARD) This unit containsunive6almotors,which spark duringnormal operation. Donot use in areas contaminatedbyvolatileorflammablematerialsas these sparks may ignite the contaminates and cause a dangerous explosion. WARNING:(HARMFULFUMES) The filters used in this unitwillremovesolid padiculateONLY,and do not eliminate fumesand gasesthat may be a health hazard Failureto observethepresenceof such fumescouldcause seriousillnessordeath. CAUTION:(SHOCKHAZARD) To insure continuedprot
