Anleitung Associated Equipment, modell 73-250
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
WARNING:(EXPLoSION HAZARD) This unit containsunive6almotors,which spark duringnormal operation. Donot use in areas contaminatedbyvolatileorflammablematerialsas these sparks may ignite the contaminates and cause a dangerous explosion. WARNING:(HARMFULFUMES) The filters used in this unitwillremovesolid padiculateONLY,and do not eliminate fumesand gasesthat may be a health hazard Failureto observethepresenceof such fumescouldcause seriousillnessordeath. CAUTION:(SHOCKHAZARD) To insure continuedprotectionagainstshock hazard,connectAC cord only to pfoperlygfounded outtets.ReolacedefectivecordsimmediatelyDo not expose to moisture or liquid asthis could defeat the electrical insulationthuscausingelectrical snocK. CAUTION:(STRONGVACUUM) Care must be taken to avoidpersonalinjury by not allowinghose inlet to contact anybody area such as eyes,ears,mouth,etc. CAUTION:(LIFTING) Althoughthis unit weighs less than 40lbs w,th filiers,improper lifting or handling ofthisunit could causeback injury. Follow the recommended methodfor lifting. cAUTION:(AIRFLOWBLOCKAGE) Since exhaust airteavesthebottomof this unit, caution should beobseNednot to set unit downin such a way as to block the exhaust GAUTIONS: MISCELLANEOUS or sold by the air cleaner manufacturermay result in risk of fire. eleciric shock,orinjuryto persons 1. Use of any attachmentnot recommended 2. To reduce theriskofdamageto the electcplug orcord, disconnect bypullingplugratherthan cod when rcmovingpowerfromtheaircleaner' 3. I\rakesurecordand hose arelocatedso they will not be stepPed on,trippedover'oa otnerwise subjectedtodamageor stress 4. Anextensioncordshouldnot be usedunless absolutelvnecessary.Useof improper extensio; cord could resultin risk offire and etectricshock.lf extens;on cordmustbe used' use only a groundedcord and followlhese rccommendations: 25ft.-#14 AWG. 50ft. -#12 AWG 100 ft. -#10AWG. 5- Donot disassemble theair cleaner. Takeittoa qualifiedseNicemanwhenseryiceorrepalrls ;quired,incorrectreassemblymayresultin risk ot electric shockor fire 6. To reduc€ therisk of electricshockor bodily injury, unplug the aircleanerfrom outletbefore attemptinganymaintenanceor cEanlng Turningoff the powerswitchwillnot eliminate thisrisk. THEORYOF OPERATION Thisunitis a lightweight, portableaircleaner ernployingtwo thermally protected,high performance,flow thrcugh vacuummolors producingvery high velocityarrflowthroughtheunit 'By utilizinga large (2%")inletplusa variety of andfittingsflnesolidpadiculate collectrngnozzles maierial;nd smoke maYberemovedfromthe air by thefilter media. An initial spark trap collectslargepartiolesbefore thevreach the filter. An easy to emPtytrayis attacheclto the front cover to enable theremovalof lhelarqegarticlescollectedbythe spark trapwithout removingthefilter. This tap furtherisolatesthefilter from sparks in the caseof a weld,ng operatlon. A"cloooed" fllter liqht.actuatedby a d ferential oress;; switchis-anintegralpartoftheunit When thelightwillilluminate' ihe filters becote clogged, Atthispoint,the filter shouldbechanged GENERALMAINTENANCE ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICETECHNICIANS SHOULDMAKEREPAIRSTOTHIS UNIT' DO NOT REPLACETHESEMOTORSWITH MOTORSOTHERTHANTHOSERECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER, UNPACKING Carefullyinspect the unitfor concealed damagethat mavhave occuned duringshippingandhandlinglf ani damageis found, immediatelycontactthe Fr;ioht comoanv. Makesurethereareno dents in theiousing,as they mightpreventthefilterfrom slidinginto the unit smoolhly lf there isnoevidence theendcoverbyreleasingthe of da;aqe, remove two rubGr latches.Removalofthefront cover will allowinspectionof the inside oftheunit checktoseethat the Afterunpackingthemachine, followingpartsandaccessoriesarepresenl: Hose 1)-Coupling 1)-10'Flexible BasecomPonent 1i-Flexibbtetal Hose/Magnetic Parts.(SeeFiglre#2For Individual Parts Included) 1)-SlotNozzle 1)-Filter INSTALLATION(SeeFisure#1) 1. lnsert the filter,gasketfrrst,into the unit. Then Dlace the rubberthen steelwashersover the threadedrod. Tighten thewingnut down so that the filter is sealed andwill not rotate. 2. Reolacethe front cover/sparktrapassemblyand re-iatchthe cover usingtherubberlatches. andtest 3. Connectthe unit to the powersource theoperationofthe unit byturningit ON with the On/Off switch. Shouldthemotorsnotstart, or shouldthemachinemakeunusualnoises' immediatelv turnthe machineoffandseek personnel.Oncethetest is trainedmaintenance complete,turnthe unit backOFF 4. Attachthehoseto the inlet 5. Assemblethe flexible metalhoseandnozzleper Figure#2. 6 Connectthehose/nozzlecomolnatlon assembledin Step 5 above to the machinewith the10'flexiblehoseandthesuppliedcoupling thebasic assembly ofthe unit Deoendinqupontheaccessoriesorderedandthe looisticaoithewo* place,lheinstallation oo'nfigurationmaY vary. This comDletes Figure I q Figure 2 OPERATION YourACEIndustial Producls machineis designed as a caoluredevice,i.e., il is inlendedto eliminale source smokeandpartrculaleat theit point ol origin Keeping this jn mind, th...