Anleitung Linear, modell Boiler
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
•IfyoucannotreachyourgassuppliercallthefiredepartmentDANGER M MMMMa aaaan nnnnu uuuuf ffffa aaaac cccct ttttu uuuur rrrre eeeed ddddb bbbby yyyy: :::: B BBBBi iiiia aaaas ssssi iiiiS SSSS. ....p pppp. ....A AAAA. .... V VVVVe eeeer rrrro oooon nnnna aaaa, ,,,,I IIIIt tttta aaaal lllly yyyy D DDDDi iiiis sssst ttttr rrrri iiiib bbbbu uuuut tttte eeeed ddddB BBBBy yyyy: :::: Q QQQQH HHHHT TTTTQ QQQQU UUUUI IIIIN NNNNC CCCCY YYYYH HHHHY YYYYD DDDDR RRRRO OOOON NNNNI IIIIC CCCCT TTTTE EEEEC CCCCH HHHHN NNNNO OOOOL LLLLO OOOOG GGGGY YYYY, ,,,,I IIIIN NNNNC CCCC. .... 3 33335 55556 66660 0000L LLLLA AAAAF FFFFA AAAAY YYYYE EEEET TTTTT TTTTE EEEER RRRRD DDDDP PPPPO OOOOR RRRRT TTTTS SSSSM MMMMO OOOOU UUUUT TTTTH HHHH, ,,,,N NNNNH HHHH0 00003 33338 88880 00001 1111P PPPPH HHHHO OOOON NNNNE EEEE: ::::6 66660 00003 3333---- 3 33333 33334 4444---- 6 66664 44440 00000 0000F FFFFA AAAAX XXXX: ::::6 66660 00003 3333---- 3 33333 33334 4444---- 6 66664 44440 00001 1111 REV. H Dear Customer: Thank you for buying a Linear commercial boiler. The Linear is a cast iron, oil or gas fired hot water boiler, using the famous 3-pass design. The boiler is simple, rugged and engineered for maximum heating efficiency. We realize that it is not possible to answer all questions about the Linear series boiler in this manual. Reading this installation manual does not make the reader an expert in all aspects of installation and operation, and does not replace the need for a qualified, licensed heating contractor. We urge you to contact your installing contractor or distributor if you are in question about any aspect of your boiler's performance. Our main concern is that you are satisfied with your boiler and its performance. We require that your contractor complete efficiency tests using instruments. The controls and accessories listed in this manual are intended to serve as guidelines rather than specific recommendations. We realize that other makes and models of such devices are available and can be used as successfully as those we specify. The installing contractor is the best judge of a system's specific requirements, as well as the local availability of certain makes and models of controls and accessories. The preceding does not apply, however, to the equipment that comes with every boiler, such as the overheat control (L4006E) and pressure relief valve. The installation of the specific devices supplied with every boiler is absolutely necessary to the safe operation of the boiler and protection of the heating system. This Linear boiler has a limited warranty, a copy of which is provided with the boiler. Please be sure to return the warranty registration card as the warranty will be void without your boiler's serial numbers, date of installation and the name of your installer being on record in our files. Thank you for purchasing our B-40 Linear series boiler. If you have questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us immediately. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. BIASIB-40LinearSeriesSectionPageImportantInformation14GeneralInformation26CodesandRegulations36CombustionAirSupply47BoilerLocation57BoilerBlockAssembly68BoilerTrimKitInstallation78BoilerTappingDiagram-9BurnerSet-up810GasPiping912BreechingandChimney1014Piping1115BoilerJacketAssembly1217BoilerJacketExplosionDiagram-18Wiring1319B-40ControlPanelWiring20-23Commissioning1424Maintenance1524InstallerNotes1625TABLEOFCONTENTSBIASIB-40LinearSeriesSectionPageImportantInformation14GeneralInformation26CodesandRegulations36CombustionAirSupply47BoilerLocation57BoilerBlockAssembly68BoilerTrimKitInstallation78BoilerTappingDiagram-9BurnerSet-up810GasPiping912BreechingandChimney1014Piping1115BoilerJacketAssembly1217BoilerJacketExplosionDiagram-18Wiring1319B-40ControlPanelWiring20-23Commissioning1424Maintenance1524InstallerNotes1625TABLEOFCONTENTS BIASIB/40PAGE4BIASIB/40PAGE4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please read this page carefully. ALL BOILERS MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL CODES AND ORDINANCES, AS WELL AS THE REGULATIONS OF THE SERVING ELECTRICAL, WATER AND GAS UTILITIES. All systems should be designed by competent contractors, and only persons knowledgeable in the layout and installation of heating systems should attempt the installation of any boiler. It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to see that all controls are correctly installed and operating properly when the installation is completed. Do not burn volatile garbage, gasoline, naphtha or other flammable liquids other than No. 2 fuel oil. All flammable liquids (especially gasoline), chemicals, rags, paper, wood scraps, debris, etc., should be kept away from the boiler at all times. Keep the boiler area clean and free of all fire hazards. Please read the literature and warranties supplied by the manufacturers of the various accessory equipment. This equipment is warranted by the respective manufacturers, not by Quincy Hydronic Technologies, Inc...