Dieses Gerät hat auch andere Anweisungen:
Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Install the camera driver hiontainedinApplicationsoftwarethat is contained in Application software -14~116)CD-ROM. (p.114~116) picture.)picture.)Takeapicture.)Take a picture. (p.21) IertthesuppliedUSBableintotheIertthesuppliedUSBableintotheInsertthesuppliedUSBableintotheInsert the supplied USB cable into the PC’sUSBportandthecmera’sUSBPC’sUSBportandthecmera’sUSBPC’s USB port and the camera’s USB onnectionterminal.(p.17)connectionterminal.(p.17)connection terminal. (p.117) Checkthecamera’spor.IftheCheck the camera’s power. If the poweristurnedoff,psthecamerapower is turned off, press the camera button to turn it on. OpesEXPLORERandOpen Windows EXPLORER and r[RemovableDisk].(p.118)search for [Removable Disk]. (p.118) Take a picture Insert the USB cable Check the camera s power Check [Removable Disk] G GGe eet ttt tti iin nng gg t tto oo k kkn nno oow ww y yyo oou uur rr c cca aam mme eer rra aa Thank you for buying a Samsung Digital Camera. . Prior to using this camera, please read the user manual thoroughly. . If you require After Sales service, please bring the camera and the cause of the camera malfunction (such as battery, Memory card etc.) to the A/S centre. . Please check that the camera is operating properly prior to when you intend to use it (e.g. for a trip or an important event) to avoid disappointment. Samsung camera takes no responsibility for any loss or damages that may result from camera malfunction. . Keep the manual in a safe place. . The contents and illustrations of this manual are subject to change without prior notice for upgrading the camera functions. . If you use a card reader to copy the images on the memory card to your PC, the images could be damaged. When transferring the images taken with the camera to your PC, be sure to use the supplied USB cable to connect the camera to your PC. Please note that the manufacturer accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of images on the memory card due to the use of a card reader. . Microsoft, Windows and Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. i iiis sss a aaa t tttr rrra aaad ddde eeem mmma aaar rrrk kkk o ooof fff S SSSR RRRS SSS L LLLa aaab bbbs sss, ,,, I IIIn nnnc ccc. ... WOW HD technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc. . All brand and product names appearing in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective companies. DANGER DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. . Do not attempt to modify this camera in any way. This may result in fire, injury, electric shock or severe damage to you or your camera. Internal inspection,maintenanceandsshouldbecarriedoutbyyourdealerinspection, maintenance and repairs should be carried out by your dealer orSamsungCameraServior Samsung Camera Service centre. . PleasedonotusethisprproximitytoflammableorexplosivePPleasedonotusethisproduccloseproximitytoflammableorexplosivelease do not use this product in close proximity to flammable or explosive gases,asthiscouldincexplosion.gases,asthiscouldincreaseriskofexplosion.gases, as this could increase the risk of explosion. . Shouldanyformoflitenterthecamera,donotuseSShouldanyformofliquidoraeignobjectenterthecamera,donotusehould any form of liquid or a foreign object enter the camera, do not use it.Switchoffthecatthepowersource.Youmustit.Switchoffthecamera,andthendisconnectthepowersource.Youmustit.Switchoffthecamera,andthendisconnectthepowersource.Youmustit. Switch off the camera, and then disconnect the power source. You must contactyourdeacecentre.DonotcontinuecontactyourdealerorSamsuCameraServicecentre.Donotcontinuecontact your dealer or Samsung Camera Service centre. Do not continue tousethecamerlectricshock.to use the camera as this may cause a fire or electric shock. . D DDDDDDDo ooooooo n nnnnnnno ooooooot ttttttt i iiiiiiin nnnnnnns ssssssse eeeeeeer rrrrrrrt ttttttt o ooooooor rrrrrrr d dddddddr rrrrrrro ooooooop ppppppm mmmmmmme eeeeeeet ttttttta aaaaaaal llllllll llllllli iiiiiiic ccccccc o ooooooor rrrrrrr i iiiiiiin nnnnnnnfl flflflflflflfla aaaaaaam mmmmmmmm mmmmmmma aaaaaaab bbbbbbbl llllllle eeeeeee f fffffffo ooooooor rrrrrrre eeeeeeei iiiiiiig gggggggn nnnnnnn o ooooooob bbbbbbbj jjjjjjje eeeeeeec ccccccct ttttttts sssssss i iiiiiiin nnnnnnnt ttttttto ooooooo t ttttttth hhhhhhhe eeeeeeep c ccccccca aaaaaaam mmmmmmme eeeeeeer rrrrrrra aaaaaaa t ttttttth hhhhhhhr rrrrrrro ooooooou uuuuuuug gggggggh hhhhhhh a aaaaaac ccccccce ecececccceeees ssssssss sssss po oopoppppooooi iiiin nnnnt tttts e eeessss eeee. ...g ggg. ... th hhhhttthhhe eeeeeee me eeeeemmeem mmmmmmmory yyyyyyy c ccccccca aaaaaaar rrrrrrrd ddddddd s sssssssl lllllllo ooooooot ttttttt a aaaaaaan nnnnnnnd ddddddd b bbbbbbba aaaaaaat tttttttt ttttttte eeeeeeer rrrrrrry yyyyyyy c ccccccch hhhhhhha aaaaaaam mmmmmmmb bbbbbbbe eeeeeeer rrrrrrr. ....... T TTTTTTTh hhhhhhhi iiiiiiis sssssss m mmmmmmma aaaaaaay ...
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