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naTiiaTETO KOupTi QMENU -*■ riaTiioTE “Edit”. -*• naTiiaTE "Combine”. MTTopEiTE va EVtJOETE Ew? 2 Tcnvfc^ ir| tpopa. Aev pTTopouv va ouv5uaoTouv apxaa ttou umpPaivouv to 4 GB. Greek 79 editing movie images snsfepyagfa Taiviúv PLAYLIST_ What’s a Playlist? • You can create a playlist on the same disc by gathering your favourite scenes from the recorded movie images. When creating or deleting playlists, the original movie image will not be erased. Adding or deleting movie images from a playlist does not affect the actual movie images. • If the storage media is set to DVD, this function works only on a DVD-RW disc (VR mode). You should format the DVD-RW to VR mode before recording. wpage 86 Example: You have recorded a few scenes on a storage media (Memory, DVD, or Card.) You want to save the original recording, but you also want to create a digest putting your favourite scenes together. In this case, you can create a playlist by selecting your favourite scenes, leaving the originall recording as it is. A movie image is created between the points where you start and stop a recording. Once deleted, you cannot recover the movie image again. 12.JAN.2007 AIITA ANAnAPAmmi_ Ti eívai pía Aíoto avanapaYWYH?; • Mnopa'Te va SnjioupYiaeTe [Jia Aíoto avanapaYWYic; otov íSio Síoko, auyKevTpwvovTac tic; ayanijevec; aac; aKr|véc; anó Tic; £YYeYPajjévec; Taiviec;. H apxiKf Taivia Sev Siaypa^eTai KaTá Tn Snjioupyía i th Siaypa^i Jiac AiaTac; avanapaYWYic;. H npoa0iKr| r n Siaypa^i Taiviwv anó jia Aíoto avanapaYWYic; Sev ennpeáZei Tic npaYjaTiKéc; Taiviec;. • Eáv to jéao ano0íKeuanc; opiaTeí ae DVD, n AeiToupyía auTi eívai 5ia0éaijn Jóvo Yia SíaKOuc DVD-RW (Tpónoc; AeiToupyíac; VR). npiv anó Tnv eyypa^i, 0a npéna va Siajop^waeTe to Síoko DVD-RW ae Tpóno AeiToupYiac VR. *-aeAi5a 86 napáSeiYMa: ExeTe eYYpáip jepiKéc; aKnvéc; ae éva jéao ano0rKeuanc (jvpjn, DVD i KápTa). QéAeTe va ^uAá^eTe Tnv apxiKii eyypa^i, aAAá Kai va SnjioupyiaeTe jia auAAoyi twv ayannjtvwv aac aKnvwv. le auTi Tnv nepínTwan, jnopeíTe va SnjioupyiaeTe jia Aíoto avanapaywYic eniAéyovTac; Tic; ayannjevec; aac; aKnvéc; Kai a^ivovTac; Tnv apxiKi eyypa^i avéna^n. ArpoupyeiTai jia aKnvi títAou, jeTa^ú twv apjeiwv nou apxíZeTe Kai SiaKónTeTe jia eyypa^i. Eáv Siaypa^ei n aKnvi títAou, Sev jnopeíTe va Tnv avaKTiaeTe. I-30.JAN.2007 -1 CREATING THE PLAYLIST_ • This function works only in Play mode using the Q.MENU button. '•page 53 • You can create a playlist on this DVD camcorder by gathering favourite recorded movie images. Since the playlist is not created by copying data, you will consume little of the storage capacity by making a playlist. 1. Slide the POWER switch downwards to turn on the power and press the Play (^)) button to set the Play mode. • Select the appropriate storage media. '•page 31 2. Press the Q.MENU button. • The quick menu will appear. 3. Touch “Playlist” — Menu ( B ) tab — "Add.” • The thumbnail view of the movie image will appear. 4. Select and touch the movie images to add to the a playlist. • The (^ ) indicator is displayed on the selected movie images. • Touching the movie thumbnail image toggles between the movie thumbnail image being selected for protection (the (\/ ) indicator appears on image) or not (the (\/ ) indicator is removed from image). 5. Touch the OK ( OK ) tab. • The message “Now Adding... ” will appear. • When creation of a playlist is complete, the thumbnail view of the playlist will appear. • You can play a playlist in the same manner as you play a movie image. wp If free space available on the storage is insufficient, creatior of new playlist may not be possible. Delete unnecessary movie images. You can add a movie image to the playlist as the same manner above. AHMIQYPriAA'HTAI ANAnAPAmrH!(^ D Q(CsW i □ McpuM ® i iFlTalis^ ■sSSU f 0 1 ■HtH HUK Playlist ^ 81_ English H AeiToupyia auTq SKTCAdrai povo cttov Tpono Acrroupyia? Avanapaywyn? M£ XPHaH tou Koupniou Q.MENU. wasAi5a 53 Mnop£iT£ va 5njioupyra£T£ jia AiaTa avonapaywyng OTr| pwT£Kaj£pa DVD, auyK£VTpwvovTag Tig ayonnj£V£g aag £yy£ypajj£V£q Tawfeg. Miag Kai oi AiaT£g avonapaywyng SnjioupyouvTai xwpig va yiv£Tai avTiypa^n 5£5oj£vwv, 0a xpnaijonoira£T£ piKpq noaoTHTa Tng xwpnTiKOTnTag ano0r|K£uang 5njioupywvTag jia AiaTa avonapaywyng. Zup£T£ to 5iaKomn POWER npog Ta kotw yia va 0£a£T£ Tn auaK£uq a£ A£iToupyia Kai naTqaT£ to Koujni Avanapaywyn? (H)) yia va £niA£^£T£ tov Tpono A£iToupyiag Avonapaywyng. • EniA£^T£ to KaTaAAnAo j£ao ano0r|K£uang. ^a£Ai5a 31 naTqaT£ to Koujni Q.MENU. • Ej^avi^Tai to ypqyopo j£vou. nair|aT£ “Playlist” - Koujni a^qg M£vou ( § ) - “Add”. • 0a £j^aviaT£i n npopoAq jiKpoypa^iwv twv Taiviwv. EniA£^T£ Kai naTqaT£ Tig Taivi£g nou 0a npoaT£0ouv aTn AiaTa avonapaywyng. • Ej^av'Z£Tai n ¿v5£i^r| ) aTig £niA£yj£V£g Taivfeg. • naTWVTag Tn jiKpoypa^ia Tng Taiviag, £vaAAaaa£T£ j£Ta^u £niAoyrg Tng jiKpoypa^iag Taiviag yia npoaTaaia [n £v5£i^n (\/ ) £j^aviZ£Tai aTnv £iKova] r ano£niAoyrg Tng [n £v5£i^n (\/ ...
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