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-26Ж ❖ ÏSfëfflUSBM*ii,MÏP«±£SDV Driver, Video Codec» DirectX 9.0S#. ❖ ШЫ«Д1£В$!1,4г+Ш±*И1даРШМЯ. ❖ pc ±. 1. #usB*s»-sasMDVDS®w±»usBea,#usB*s»s-sasMtt Ш±№Ш1. 2. Windows Movie Maker. ■ Windows Movie MakerffliWindows XPffl^.(C:\program files\ Movie maker\moviemk.exe) ❖ 1Шв8Р,1ШИТ'*ШЯЩ^8+ВД#1В-КФШШШёРСЙ. 1. MS[Mode]ff£«S]iBtZ+[CARD],#foE[Power]ff£«S] [Bi(Cainera)]^[B(Player)]0 2. #usB*s»-sasMDVDS®w±»usBea,#usB*s»s-sasMtt Ш±№Ш1. 3. SSSŒêSMiRMê^e^ÎTffWindows Explorer(ëS’SB^)# ENGLISH Maintenance Using Your DVD Camcorder Abroad ❖ Each country or region has its own electric and color systems. ❖ Before using your DVD Camcorder abroad, check the following items. Power sources ■ You can use your DVD Camcorder in any country or area with the supplied AC Power adapter within 100V to 240V, 50/60 Hz. ■ Use a commercially available AC jack adapter, if necessary, depending on the design of the local wall outlet. Color system You can view your recordings using the built-in LCD screen and viewfinder. However, to view your recordings on a television set or to copy it to an external device as a video cassette recorder (VCR)/DVD Recorder / Player, the television set or an external device must be NTSC-compatible and have the appropriate Audio/Video jacks. Otherwise, you may need to use a separate Video Format Transcoder (NTSC-PAL format Converter). PAL-compatible Countries/Regions Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, CIS, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Norway, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, etc. NTSC-compatible Countries/Regions Bahamas, Canada, Central America, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Taiwan, United States of America, etc. Note You can make recordings with your DVD Camcorder and view pictures on the LCD Screen from anywhere in the world. шя £В»ЮЯШ№У1>ШМ1 ■ iMK£ilt%»AffiiÄ100VS240V 50/60 НгЙМНШШЙ к, аамтой!1£ш1а«ш£йш«мь ■ mm. шзйш±яш1»ш, «дад±ш1»йш?ш ®ш#§° »swa ет1тсшш«*#§ф«1*юш° m. штштштшштжттття (vcrvdvdi ш/жшшшьжё#, мшЯ'ЯНййжш® i#NTscfls#rssMts/ffis*p. su, ®is$as#-ê Ш&ШШ (NTSC-PAL*lj3®$f§) ° ХРАНИЛ*#«!*/»! !ШИ, НАШ, tfcïlW, «WM, ФИ, »Ktt&i, ШШпШ, пЛ. Ш. Ъ~. îii, ti, mi, Si, íf=É, ш, m«. ш. m pm, «#, «и, зяздм, %шт, яш, 9шж. м$ншй, ШЛШ, ¡ШШ^Н, ffiiSJf, SA, ®±, tí'M, *i, %NTSCSJÂ*#Ëll*/ttE влёч, int*, фиш, a*, iffiff, штш, зш, êü, Mi##. Sî* шщkjaw±í»im«, шяттштттттш ±ШШШ£° ift\ ENGLISH Troubleshooting Troubleshooting ❖ Before contacting a Samsung authorized service center, perform the following simple checks. They may save you the time and expense of an unnecessary call. Self Diagnosis Display in
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