Anleitung DVDO, modell VP50
Hersteller: DVDO Dateigröße: 728.17 kb Dateiname: db8cde42-c648-4993-8e22-c4f691ab26f8.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
LIMITED WARR ANTY WARRANTY VALID ONLY IN THE U.S.A. WARR ANTY DVDO by Anchor Bay Technologies, Inc. (DVDO) warrants that products distributed in the U.S.A. that fail to function properly under normal use due to a manufacturing defect when installed and operated according to the owner’s manual enclosed with the unit will be repaired or replaced with a unit of comparable value, at the option of DVDO, without charge to you for parts or actual repair work. Parts supplied under this warranty may be new or rebuilt at the option of DVDO. THIS LIMITED WARR ANTY APPLIES TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER OF THIS DVDO PRODUCT DUR ING THE WARR ANTY PER IOD PROVIDED THE PRODUCT WAS PUR CHASED FROM AN AUTHORIZED DVDO DISTRIBUTOR/DEALER IN THE U.S.A. YOU WILL BE RE QUIRE D TO PROVIDE A SALE S RE CEIPT OR OTHER VALID PROOF OF PUR CHASE SHOWING THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PUR CHASE. IN THE EVEN T SER VICE IS RE QUIRE D, THE PRODUCT MUST BE DEL IVERE D WITHIN THE WARR ANTY PER IOD, TRANSPORTATION PRE PAID, ONL Y FROM WITHIN THE U.S.A. AS EXPLAINE D IN THIS DOCUMEN T. YOU WILL BE RE SPONSIBLE FOR RE MOVAL AND INSTALL ATION OF THE PRODUCT. DVDO WILL PAY TO RE TURN THE RE PAIRE D OR RE PLACEMEN T PRODUCT TO YOU WITHIN THE U.S.A. PRODUCT WARR ANTY PER IOD Parts L abor iScan Video Processors .................................................................................................................... 1 Year 1 Year Shorter periods may apply to some products. Please refer to the limited warranty document enclosed with your specific product for a definitive statement of the warranty period. The warranty period for retail customers who rent the product commences upon the date product is first put into use (a) during the rental period or (b) retail sale, whichever occurs first. WHAT IS NOT COVERE D IF THIS PRODUCT WAS PUR CHASED FROM AN UN AUTHORIZED DEALER OR DISTRIBUTOR, THERE ARE NO WARR ANTIES, EXPRE SS OR IMPLIED, INCLU DING THE IMPLIED WARR ANTY OF MER CHANTABILITY AND THE IMPLIED WARR ANTY OF FITNE SS FOR A PARTICUL AR PUR POSE AND THIS PRODUCT IS SOLD STRICTLY “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAUL TS”. DVDO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUEN TIAL AND/OR INCIDEN TAL DAMAGES. THIS WARR ANTY DOES NOT APPLY IF THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN SUBJECTED TO POWER IN EXCESS OF ITS PUBLISHED POWER RATING. THIS WARR ANTY DOES NOT COVER THE CABINE T OR ANY APPEARANCE ITEM, ANY DAMAGE TO RE CORDING TAPES OR DISCS, TELE VISION OR DISPLAY SCREN S DAMAGED BY STATIC, NON-MOVING, IMAGES APPLIED FOR LEN GTHY PER IODS (BURN -IN), ANY DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT RE SUL TING FROM ALTER ATIONS, MODIFICATIONS NOT AUTHORIZED IN WR ITING BY DVDO, ACCIDEN T, MISUSE OR ABUSE, DAMAGE DUE TO LIGHTNING OR TO POWER SUR GES, SUBSEQUEN T DAMAGE FROM LE AKING, DAMAGE FROM INOPER ATIVE BATTER IES, OR THE USE OF BATTER IES NOT CONFORMING TO THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE OWNER ’S MANU AL. THIS WARR ANTY DOES NOT COVER THE COST OF PARTS OR LABOR WHICH WOUL D BE OTHERW ISE PROVIDED WITHOUT CHARGE UN DER THIS WARR ANTY OBTAINE D FROM ANY SOUR CE OTHER THAN A DVDO AUTHORIZED SER VICE COMPANY OR OTHER DESIGNATED LOCATION. THIS WARR ANTY DOES NOT COVER DEFECTS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE USE OF UN AUTHORIZED PARTS OR LABOR OR FROM IMPROPER MAINTEN ANCE. ALTERE D, DEFACED, OR RE MOVED SER IAL NU MBER S VOID THIS EN TIRE WARR ANTY. NO OTHER WARR ANTIES DVDO LIMITS ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THE WARRANTY PERIOD. NO WARRANTIES SHALL APPLY AFTER THE WARRANTY PERIOD. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. TO OBTAIN SER VICE DVDO has appointed a number of Authorized Service Companies throughout the U.S.A. should your product require service. To receive warranty service you need to present your sales receipt or, if rented, your rental contract showing place and date of original owner’s transaction. If shipping the unit you will need to package it carefully and send it, transportation prepaid by a traceable, insured method, to the Authorized Service Company. Package the product using adequate padding material to prevent damage in transit. The original container is ideal for this purpose. Include your name, address and telephone number where you can be reached during business hours. On all complaints and concerns in the USA call Customer Support at 1-866-423-3836. For hook-up and operation of your unit or to locate an Authorized Service Company, please call or write: TECHNICAL SUPPORT DEPARTMEN T DVDO BY ANCHOR BAY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 983 University Avenue, Building A Los Gatos, CA 95032 1-866-423-3836 DISPUTE RE SOLU TION Following our response to any i...