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heruntergeladen wurde: 29   Dateigröße: 382 kb   Hersteller: A&D  
Kategorie: Waagen

Press the measurement switch 2. Press the measurement switch gently. All display segments are displayed for several seconds. 3. Wait until the symbol is displayed. Wait until “0.0 kg /0.0 lb” and the Ready/Complete symbol are displayed. Note: If “0.0 kg /0.0 lb” and the Ready/Complete Step on the scale symbol are displayed about forty-five seconds, the scale will automatically turn off. Ready/Completesymbol 4. Step on the scale gently and stand still during the measurement. You will see the disp

heruntergeladen wurde: 53   Dateigröße: 382 kb   Hersteller: A&D  
Kategorie: Waagen

1WMPD4001386B Contents Before Use Precautions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Scale Components ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Display Symbols ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Installing (or Replacing) Batteries ----------------------------------------------------------3 Operations Basic Measurement ---------------------------------------------
