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Anleitung NuTone, modell IKD 12250.0

Hersteller: NuTone
Dateigröße: 753.87 kb
Dateiname: 11d5bc95-71c0-4d61-a151-507a5972ba1f.pdf


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

• If this is not the case, remove the lower chimney section and adjust the position by either reversing the connection extension pieces 14.1, then reassemble as described previously. • Fit the directional grids 8a - 8b in their housings making sure that the directional symbols are towards the top. Also make sure that they are correctly inserted in the connection extension pieces 14.1. Before fixing the hood body to the frame: • Remove the grease filters from the hood body. • Remove any activated charcoal filters. • From below, use the 4 screws 12f (M6 x 10) provided to fix the hood body to the frame. • Connect the hood to the mains through a two- pole switch having a contact gap of at least 3 mm. • Remove the grease filters (see paragraph Maintenance) being sure that the connector of the feeding cable is correctly inserted in the socket placed on the side of the fan • Connect the control connector Cmd. • Place the connector in the junction box 24 and close it using the 2 screws 12e (2,9 x 9,5) provided. • Fix the junction box to the hood body using the 2 screws 12c (2,9 x 6,5) provided. • For the recirculation version, fit the activated carbon odour filter. • Replace the grease filters. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION GB 10 USE Control panel . . . . L Light Switches the lighting system on and off. S Led Motor running led. V1 Motor Switches the extractor motor on and off at low speed. Used to provide a continuous and silent air change in the presence of light cooking vapours. V2 Speed Medium speed, suitable for most operating conditions given the optimum treated air flow/noise level ratio. V3 Speed Maximum speed, used for eliminating the highest cooking vapour emission, including long periods. MAINTENANCE Grease filters CLEANING METAL SELF- SUPPORTING GREASE FILTERS • The filters must be cleaned every two months of operation, or more frequently with heavy usage, and can be washed in a dishwasher. • Remove the filters by pushing them towards the back of the group and pulling down at the same time. • Wash the filters, taking care not to bend them. Allow them to dry before refitting. • When refitting the filters, make sure that the handle is visible on the outside. GB 11 Activated charcoal filter (Recirculation version) REPLACING THE ACTIVATED CHARCOAL FILTER • This filter is not washable and cannot be regenerated, and must be replaced approximately every four months of operation, or more frequently with heavy usage. • Remove the metal grease filters. • Remove the saturated activated carbon filter by releasing the fixing hooks. • Fit the new filter by hooking it into its seating. • Replace the metal grease filters. Lighting LIGHT REPLACEMENT • 20 W halogen light. • Remove the 2 Screws fixing the Lighting support, and pull it out of from the Hood. • Extract the Lamp from the Support. • Replace with another of the same type, making sure that the two pins are properly inserted in the lamp holder socket holes. • Replace the Support, fixing it in place with the two Screws removed as above. FUSE REPLACEMENT Fuse: model 5x20 5A time-delay • Remove the filters. • Remove the Screws fixing the fuseholder box. • Open the fuseholder (bayonet fixing). • Replace the fuse with another of the same type. • Replace the fuseholder box and the filters. GB 12 LISEZ BIEN CETTE FICHE AVANT D’INSTALLER LA HOTTE AVERTISSEMENT - POUR MINIMISER LE RISQUE D’UN FEU DE GRAISSE SUR LA TABLE DE CUISSON : Ne jamais laisser un element de la table de cuisson fonctionner sans surveillance a la puissance de chauffage maximale; un renversement/deborde-ment de matiere graisseuse pourrait provoquer une inflammation et le generation de fumee. Utiliser toujours une puissance de chauffage moyenne ou basse pour le chauffage d’huile. Actionner toujours la hotte quand on fait la cuisine a une haute temperature ot pendant la cuisson flambee (Crepes Suzette, Cerisses Flambees, Boeuf au poivre noir). Nettoyer frequemment les ventila- teurs d’extraction. Veiller a ne pas laisser de la graisse s’accumuler sur les surfaces du ventilateur ou des fil-tres. Utiliser toujours un ustensile de taille appropriee. Utiliser toujours un usten-sile de taille adapte a la taille de l’ele-ment chauffant. AVERTISSEMENT: - POUR PREVENIR LES BLESSURES EN CAS DE FEU SUIVRE LES RECOMMANDATIONS SUIVANTES: ETOUFFEZ LE FEU avec un couvercle metallique et fermez le bruleur. Si le feu ne s’eteint pas tout de suite, QUITTEZ LES LIEUX ET APPELEZ LES POMPIERS. NE TOUCHEZ JAMAIS UNE CASSEROLE EN FLAMMES. N’UTILISEZ JAMAIS DE L’EAU ou un torchon mouille pour eteindre le feu - ce qui pourrait causer une explosion de vapeur. N’utilisez un extincteur que si: 1. Vous avez un modele ABC et vous connaissez bien son mode d’emploi. 2. Le feu est petit et peu repandu. 3. Les pompiers sont deja prevenus. 4. Vous avez une sortie derriere vous. TOUTE OUVERTURE DANS LE MUR OU LE PLANCHER A PROXIMITE DE LA HOTTE DOIT ETRE SCELLE Gardez 24 po. de hauteur entre le bas de la hotte et la surface de cuisson. Cett...

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