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Kategorie: Fahrräder

Illustrations may not reflect exact appearance of actual product. Specifications subject to change without notice. Item Numbers: Dirt Rocket MX500 15128190 Dirt Rocket MX650 15165070 WARNING: Riding an electric motorbike can be a hazardous activity. Certain conditions may cause the equipment to fail without fault of the manufacturer. Like other electric products, the Dirt Rocket can and is intended to move, and it is therefore possible to lose control, fall off and/or get into dangerous situatio

heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 3 mb   Hersteller: Razor  
Kategorie: Fahrräder

Most adjustments are complete at this step. If brake still needs further adjustment, proceed to step 2 for rear brake. Assemb ly and Set-Up WARN ING : Failing to properly adjust and tighten the nuts and bolts that affix the forks can cause you to lose control and fall. Installing the Front Wheel 2 Slide axle through fork, spacer and wheel hub. When axle passes through the other side of the wheel hub, add the other spacer and slide though the fork. Secure with washer and nut. Note: Front axle is

heruntergeladen wurde: 8   Dateigröße: 6 mb   Hersteller: Razor  
Kategorie: Fahrräder

DO NOT RETURN TO STORE. Item Number: 20036501 CONTENTS Safety Warnings ............................................................ 1 Before You Begin........................................................... 2 Assembly and Set-Up................................................. 3-4 Repair and Maintenance................................................ 5 SAFETY WARNINGS WARNING: Riding the RipRider 360. Caster Trike can be a hazardous activity. Certain conditions may cause the equipment to fail
