Anleitung Shark, modell GI465
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
( Fig. 8) To reset your iron and continue ironing follow these steps. 1) Lift iron from ironing board. 2) Holding the iron horizontally in front of you, gently rock the iron back and forth several times. This motion will reset the safety switch inside the iron. DO NOT shake the iron. The ambertemperature ready light will illuminate when the auto shut-off system has been reset. Allow time for the iron to re-heat. The amber temperature indicator light will go out when the iron is ready for use. Fig. 7Vertical steaming enables you to remove wrinkles from delicate garments without having to rest them on the ironing board, i.e. jackets, curtains, etc…1. Place garment on a hanger, away from other garments or people. 2. Hold the iron in a vertical position and press the steam button. See Figure 6. Fig. 6Fig. 8 ParaPlanchadoalVapor:Fig. 3AUTOLIMPIEZA4. Gireelreguladordetemperaturaacualquieradelosnivelesdentrodelabandadevaporgrisydejequelaplanchasecalienteduranteaproximadamente2 minutosantesdeplanchar. Coloquelaplanchasobresutalon( enunasuperficieestableyprotegida) mientrassealcanzalatemperaturadeseada. 5. Deslice la palanca de vapor hacia arriba para aumentar la cantidad de vapor. Al utilizar mas vapor, la plancha utiliza mas agua y puede ser necesario llenar el tanque con mayor frecuencia. Consulte la pagina 14. Elrociodeaguaesutilentejidosconarrugasrebeldes. Presioneelbotonderocioycaeraunchorrodeaguaeneltejidoqueseestaplanchando. ConsultelaFigura5. Elrociodeaguapuedeutilizarseconplanchadoensecooalvapor, comoloprefiera. 2. Gireelreguladordetemperaturaa laposicion“ Max”. Coloquelaplanchasobreelpedestal( enunasuperficieestableyprotegida) ydejequesecalienteduranteaproximadamente 2minutos. 3. Con la plancha en posicion horizontal, presione el boton de escape de vapor varias veces para cebar la bomba. Consulte la Figura 4.6. Elvaporseproduceencuantolaplanchasesostieneenposicionhorizontal. Elvapordejaradesalircuandolaplanchasedejesobresutalonenposicionverticaloalgirarelreguladordevapora“ 0”. Fig. 5Fig. 4 USER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 7 STORAGE 1. Always turn the variable steam control to "0" after you have emptied the water tank. 2. Allow the iron to cool down. 3. Always store the iron in the upright position to protect the soleplate. 4. From time to time, clean the exterior of the iron with a damp cloth and wipe dry. 5. If you use spray starch, wipe the soleplate occasionally with a soft damp cloth to prevent the build-up of deposits. 6. If the iron has not been used for a few weeks, hold the iron horizontally and allow to steam for 2 minutes before ironing. EMPTYING THE IRON 1. Always empty iron after each use. 2. When finished using the iron, turn the variable steam control to “0” and the temperature control dial to “MIN”. 3. Unplug the iron from the electrical outlet. 4. Set variable steam control to “MAX”. 5. Turn the iron upside down over the sink with the tip pointing downward and allow the water to flow from the opening. 6. Set variable steam control to “0”. 7. Allow iron to cool in an upright position before storing. WARNING! Use caution when emptying the iron. Burns may occur from touching hot metal surfaces, hot water or steam. NOTE: The anti drip function reduces water dripping and water stains. It does not prevent water dripping and water stains if you press the steam burst button too often or if the temperature is too low. The amount of water droplets will eventually decrease after the iron is used for 2 to 3tankfulsof steaming and ironing. INSTRUCCIONESDEUSO Fig. 2In order to remove calcium and built-up particles, the self-cleaning system should be run at least once a month. (Fig. 9) • Fill the watering beaker provided to the half-full mark and then pour into the water reservoir. • Set the variable steam control to the no steam position. • Insert the main plug into the wall socket. • Set the temperature control dial to the maximum temperature. • Wait until the thermostat light goes off and steam iron has reached preset temperature. • Remove the plug from the wall socket. • Hold the steam iron horizontally over a sink. • Place the variable steam control to “Self- Clean” position. Hot water and steam will be emitted from the soleplate. Swing the steam iron lightly back and forth gently to allow lime and dust particles to come out. • When the water reservoir is empty, shift the variable steam control from “Self- Clean” position to “0”. • Stand the iron upright and insert the plug into the wall socket to let the iron heat up again. • Move the iron over a clean cotton cloth to clean the soleplate and let the remaining water on the soleplate evaporate. SELF CLEANINGFig. 9EsteartefactoesSOLOPARAUSODOMESTICOypuedeconectarse acualquiertomacorrienteelectricopolarizadode120VCA. Noutilice ningunotrotipo detomacorriente. PLANCHADOENSECOTodoslosajustesmarcadosenelreguladordetemperaturapuedenutilizarseparaplanchadoenseco. DeslicelapalancadecontroldevaporvariablehastaeltopecomosemuestraenlaFigura1.Estocortaraelflujodevap...