Anleitung Life Fitness, modell 360101
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. 2. Inspect equipment daily. Tio~hten all loose connections and replace worn parts immediately. Failure to do so may result in serious injury. 3. Do not allow minors or children to play on or around this equipment. 4. Exercise with care to avoid injury. 5. If un~fire of proper use of equipment, call your local Parabody distributor or call the " Parabody customer service department at (800) 328-9714. Please note: * Thank you for purchasing the Parabody 360101 Leg Press Adapter Kit. Please read these instructions thoroughly and keep them for future reference. This product faust be assembled on a flat, level surface to assure its proper function. * We recommend cleaning your product (pads and frame) on a regular basis, using warm soapy water. Touch-up paint can be purchased from your Parabody customer service representative at (800) 328-9714. ! TooI’s Required for Assembly] * Rubber mallet or hammer * 3/4" wrench * 9/16" wrench * Ratchet with 3/4" and 9/16" sockets * Adjustable wrench * Tape measure Bolt Length Ruler NOTE: BOLT LENGTH IS MEASURED FROM THE UNDERSIDE OF THE HEAD OF THE BOLT. BOLT LENGTH BOLT LENGTH RULER: PARTS LIST PART# DESCRIPTION QIY KEY PART# DESCRIPTION 6838003 FRON~FLEG 1 9 3102802 3/8" LOCKNUT 6693902 Pig I .FY BRACKET 1 i0 3102933 3/8 X 2" BOLT " ~ 6838103 3116i01 ’ BASE CONNECTION 3-V2"eULLZY 2 12’ 3102937 1/2X3"BOLT’ ’ lnx ’ 5 6405201 2" SQ. END CAP 1 ~ 6837801 PRLMARY CABLE 6 6-~700~ 2" SQ. COVER CAP 2 14 6837901 LEG PRESS CABLE 7 68~2701’ 2" SQ. r~UBB~BUM~ZR 1 15 ’3’102502 I/2" WASHER 8 3102501 3/8" %VASHER 6 16 3102801 .... I~2" LOCK ~ NOTE:The LEG PRESS ATTACHMENT connecting it to(832101) must be assembled before the PARABODY375 ttOME GYI~I STEP 1 . Slidetwo2" (6) over the LEG SQ. COVERCAPS FRONT (I) as sho~vn in FIGURE FIGURE 1 STEP 2 .~ Slide one 2" SQ. END CAF (5) into the BASE CONNEC shown in FIGURE 2. FIGURE 2 STEP 3 . Attachone 2" SQ, RUBBER (7) tothe top BUMPER ofthePULLEY BRACKET as FIGURE (2) shown in FIGURE 3 3 STACK GUARD BASE ~ 1/2 WASHER FIGURE 4 1/2 X 4" BOLT STEP 4 . Remove two 1/2 X 4" BOLTS, two 1/2" WASHERS,and two 1/2" LOCK NUTS from the BASE and STACK GUARDas shown in FIGURE4. (NOTE: Discard the 1/2 X 4" BOLT.) BASE ,STACK GUARD I/2X4-1/2" FIGURE 5 STEP 5 . FRONT and the BASE CONNECTION GUARDSecurely fasten the LEG (I) (3) to the BASE and STACK using two 1/2 X 4-1/2’" BOLTS(12) and two previously See FIGURE removed 1/2" LOCKNUTS. [1/2 [1/2[1/2 [1/2 [ 1/2 [ 1/2 2 34 56 I 4 REMOVE FIGURE 6 STEP 6 Remove the existing CABLE #68331) using the following steps: (part . Disconnect LAT BAR from TOP BOOM. . Unscrew the threaded end of CABLE from the HEAD PLATE ASSEMBLY. . Route the CABLEaround the FLOAT~’GPULLEYas shown in FIGURE 6. . Route the CABLEthrough the TOP BOOM as shown in FIGURE6. . The pulleys in TOP BOOM ma.v need to be temporarily removed to remove CABLE. . (NOTE:Discard CABLE part ~q58331) FIGURE 7 IMPORTANT: Cable must run in all the pulley grooves. ;TEP 7 Install the NEW CABLE PRIMARY (13) using the following steps: . Route the CABLE as sho~a in FIGURE The pulleys may need to be temporarily removed (13) through the TOP BOOM 7. in TOP BOOM to perform this step. (Note: Make sure the CABLE is running in all the pulley grooves.) Route the CABLE(13) around the FLOATING BRACKETas shown in PULLEY FIGURE Route the CABLE (13) back over one pulley in the GUIDE down through the PULLEY (2) and over ROD SUPPORT, E;RACKET second pulley in the GUIDE ROD SUPPORT. Screw the threaded end of CABLE (13) into the HEADPLATEASSEMBLY. I 1/2 ~ 1/2 I 1/2 ~ 1/2 6 FIGURE 8 ~3/8 X2" STEP 8 Loop CABLE (13) (4) the PULLEY (2) assemble using one 318 X 2" around one 3-1/2" PULLEY in BRACKET and SECURELY BOLT(10), and two 3/8" WASHERS NLrI" (9) as shown in FIGURE (8) and one 3/8" LOCK FIGURE 9 STEP 9 . Remove one existing 3-1/2" PULLEY,two WASHERS, two 2" WHEELS and two SPACERS from the ADJUSTMENT 832 LEG PRESS OPTION TUBE on the by unfastening the 3/8 X 4-1/2" BOLT holding the pulley on. See FIGURE 9. (NOTE: The pulley will be used in STEP 12.) 2" WHEEL 3/8 X 4-1/2" BOLT SPACER WA / DONOT 3/8 X 4-1/2" BOLT FIGURE 10 STEP 10 . Assemble the LEG PRESS CABLE the ADJUSTMENT on the 832 using the existing previoasly removed 3/8 X 4-1/2"’ (14) to TUBE BOLTS, SPACERS, WASHERS, AND Tighten only until nut is completely on bolL) 2" WHEELS NUT. (Note: Do not overtighten! FIGURE10. 1/2I1/2I1/2 ] 1/2I1/2I1/2 1 123 45 6 [ 8 FIGURE 11 STEP11 . Secure~yfastenthe832LEGPRESSt~theFRONTLEG(~)usingtw~/2X3~BOLTS(~)~tw~/2~WASHE~‘S(~5)~andtw~/2~L~CK NUTS(16) as shown in FIGURE 11. 9 3/8 X 2", FIGURE 12 STEP 12 . Attach one 3-1/2" PULLEY (4) to the FRONT (4) to the BASE CONNEC([’ION LEG (1) and one 3-1/2" PULLEY (3) Using 2" BOLTS (10), four 3/8" WASHERS (9). (14) is running (8) and two 3/8" LOCKNI_rTS (Note: Make sure CABLE pUI ~! ,~YS.) FIGURE 13 STEP 13 . Screw the threaded end of LEG PRESS CABLE (14) to the PULLEYBRACKET as shox~n in FIGURE 13. (2) 3...