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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

You have purchased a LifeSource state-of-the-art blood pressure monitor, one of the most technologically advanced yet easy to use products available in the marketplace today. This LifeSource monitor is designed to make your daily regimen useful, and convenient. Physicians agree that daily self-monitoring of blood pressure is an important way individuals can contribute to maintaining their cardiovascular health and preventing the serious consequences of hypertension left undiagnosed and untreated

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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

The stored readings may be recalled by simply pressing the memory button. Whether the monitor is used to distinguish sustained hypertension from white-coat hypertension, improve patient compliance to treatment or as a preventive health management program, it can all be monitored using only one button. The 16mm digital display makes this monitor easy-to-read and offers a unique simultaneous readout of systolic and diastolic pressure, and pulse. This monitor is available in two cuff sizes: large

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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

With your arm hanging at the side of your body, measure the circumference of your upper arm at the midpoint between shoulder and elbow. ARM SIZE RECOMMENDED CUFF SIZE REPLACEMENT CUFF MODEL# 5.1” - 7.9” (13-20cm) Small UA-279 7.5” - 12.2” (19-31cm) Medium UA-280 11.8” - 17.7” (30-45cm) Large UA-281 BULB HOSE CUFF HOSE MONITOR PRESSURE AND PULSE DISPLAY AIR SOCKET SYSTOLIC DIASTOLIC (PULSE) POWER DIGITAL BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR MEASURING PRESS EXHAUST RE-MEASURE BATTERY LOW RE-MEASURE POWER BUTTON

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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

Our technology is based on the “oscillometric method”—a non-invasive blood pressure determination. The term “oscillation” refers to the measure of vibrations caused by the arterial pulse. Our monitor examines the pulsatile pressure generated by the arterial wall as it expands and contracts against the cuff with each heartbeat. The cuff is inflated until the artery is fully blocked. The inflation speed is maximized and the pressure level is optimized by the device. The monitor takes measurements

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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

The cuff deflates and the monitor automatically shuts off after 60 seconds, or you can turn it off by pressing either START button. 8. Remove cuff and make note of your blood pressure and pulse rate on the Blood Pressure Record chart (see Page E-15), indicating the date and time of measurement. Additional logbook charts can be downloaded and printed for free at or LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966 ABOUT AVERAGE READING The UA-774 provides an average blood pressure reading based

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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

• Please remember that only a medical practitioner is qualified to interpret your blood pressure measurements. Use of this device should not replace regular medical examinations. • Have your physician review the procedure for using this device. He or she will want to verify blood pressure measurements before prescribing or adjusting medications. • Consult your physician if you have any doubt about your readings. Should a mechanical problem occur, contact A&D Medical. • Clean the monitor and cuff

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Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

SETTING ABSOLUTE HEART RATE (AHR) F. The last heart rate programming screen is Absolute Heart Rate (AHR). This number will usually be used if you are under the care of a physician for cardiac rehabilitation. The first programming screen for AHR shows three dashes “ ---------“ indicating that the AHR function is inactive. To skip the AHR programming sequence, simply press and hold the key for 2 seconds. G. If you wish to program the AHR function, simply press the key until the number you want app

heruntergeladen wurde: 17   Dateigröße: 467 kb   Hersteller: LifeSource  
Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

From beginning athletes to Olympic athletes, for heart related patients, or anyone who wants to lose weight, the heart rate monitor is an effective way to monitor and improve your workout intensity and quality. If your heart rate is too high, it means you are overloading your heart. If your heart rate is too low, then you are not getting the full benefits of your exercise. Therefore, it is important that you keep your heart rate within your ideal zone. With the LifeSource Heart Rate Monitor, you

heruntergeladen wurde: 14   Dateigröße: 479 kb   Hersteller: LifeSource  
Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

. Please remember that only a medical practitioner is qualified to interpret your blood pressure measurements. Use of this device should not replace regular medical examinations. . Have your physician review your procedure for using this device. He or she will want to verify blood pressure measurements before prescribing or adjusting medications. . Consult your physician if you have any doubt about your readings. Should a mechanical problem occur, contact A&D Medical. . Make sure to use the corr

heruntergeladen wurde: 12   Dateigröße: 547 kb   Hersteller: LifeSource  
Kategorie: Herzfrequenzmesser

Please remember that only a medical practitioner is qualified to interpret your blood pressure measurements. Use of this device should not replace regular medical examinations. Have your physician review your procedure for using this device. He or she will want to verify blood pressure measurements before prescribing or adjusting medications. Consult your physician if you have any doubt about your readings. Should a mechanical problem occur, contact A&D Medical. Do not attempt to service, ca
