Anleitung Edimax Technology, modell 802.11n/MIMO Antenna Relocation Stand EA-MARS
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
Any software described in this manual is sold or licensed "as is". Should the programs prove defective following their purchase, the buyer (and not this company, its distributor, or its dealer) assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, and any incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software. Further, this company reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. The product you have purchased and the setup screen may appear slightly different from those shown in this QIG. The software and specifications subject to change without notice. Please visit our web site for the update. All right reserved including all brand and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. English Version. PPlleeaassee rreeaadd tthhiiss nnoottiiccee bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee pprroodduucctt Thank you for purchasing this product. Before using it, please do read this application notice to install this product in the most correct way. The following illustrations can help you to use this 802.11n/MIMO antenna relocation stand with the proper antennas. NNoottiiccee:: The antennas are used for this MIMO antenna relocation stand may be bundled with specific models. Otherwise, you might use the antennas from your MIMO devices, such as MIMO Access Point, MIMO Router or MIMO PCI card. MIMO AP/ Router MIMO PCI Card SSttaarrtt IInnssttaalllliinngg yyoouurr 880022..1111nn//MMIIMMOO AAnntteennnnaa RReellooccaattiioonn SSttaanndd Model: EA-MARS The antennas are not enclosed in the package. In this case, you have to purchase proper antenna models (Please contact with Edimax local distributors for more information.) or use the antennas from your 802.11n/MIMO devices. For example, If EA-MARS is going to be used with your 802.11n/MIMO AP/ Router, the connection would be: + = EA-MARS AP/ Router EA-MARS with antennas Notice: Please make sure that the antennas of your 802.11n/MIMO devices (Such as AP/ Router, PCI card) can be manually detached (unscrewed) from the devices. Asssseemmbbllee tthhee aanntteennnnaass ttoo EEAA--MMAARRSS Step 1. Unscrew the antennas counterclockwise from the devices (see below) Step 2. Screw the antennas clockwise onto the outer connectors of EA-MARS until they are firmly attached. For PCI adapter For Router / AP WWhheerree ccaann yyoouu llooccaattee tthhee ssttaanndd?? There are several positions 1. Desktop mount 2. Partition or metal surface mount 3. Ceiling mounts (without any tools) 4. Wall mounts with screws 1. Desktop stand EA-MARS can helps you to relocate your antennas to a better and optimal position to receive and transmit signals. 2. Office partition or metal surface installation EA-MARS is embedded with strong magnets to stick EA-MARS to the metal walls or cabinets without extra tools or accessories. Warning: EA-MARS has 2 magnetic please keeps it away at least 6 inches from you PC in order not to crash the data or to make other devices failed. Step 1. Please note there are 2 plastic fasteners on the bottom of the base. Push the fasteners downward with your forefingers and disassemble the bottom cover from the stand like the direction shown in the illustration Use forefinger to loose both the hooks and push UPWARDS with both your thumbs Push upwards hardly until a opening click sound is heard Step 2. Remove the bottom cover after both fasteners are released by hands and turn the cover around. Re-assemble the cover by clicking the cover back to position. You can see 2 plastic hooks. These hooks could help you flexible grabs onto the steel frames of your ceiling (see the diagrams below). 4. Wall installations (With screws and tools) You need to use tools to complete this installation The distance between screw holes is about 6cm, try to measure and match this range before fix your screws on the wall. Screws installations Lock the screw tightly and keep some margin spaces left (about 3 to 5mm) like the diagram below. Adobe Systems Therefore EA-MARS can be hanged onto the wall with both screws. ....: 3mm The antennas on the right and left side are for signal reception and should be set perpendicular (90 degrees) to each other. The central one is for signal transmission and should be pulled up about 45 degree. Please see the illustration below. About antenna angle adjustment Please position place the antenna vertically to the horizontal surface (ceiling or floor), since the omni-directional antennas best signal coverage is 360... Do not put the antenna perpendicular to the wall. Warning: For better performance, both base stations and clients are recommended to use EA-MARS with antennas It should be no obstacles between the transmission areas. The performance estimation is based on typical usage. The range is varied with different site conditions. ...