Anleitung Zusammenfassung
2.Besureallthetabsonthebacksideofthecontrolpanelarecapturedaroundthelegsasshownbelow. 3.Insertthetworemainingboltsandtightenthemsecurely. 8 Assembly Step 4 Locate these parts: Burner Assembly Tools needed: Phillips Head ScrewdriverHardware: HARDWARE BAG B 1/4-20 x 1/2” Bolts 3 Required 1.Settheburnerassemblyontothecabinetasshown.IMPORTANT:Theburnertubemustslideproperlyontothevalvestemasshownbelow. 2.Securetheburnerassemblywiththethreeboltsfromtheinsideofthecabinet.Securelytightenthebolts. 3.Attachthelooseigniterwiretotheigniteronthecontrolpanelasshownbelow. 9 Assembly Step 5 Locate these parts: Damper Plate Tools needed: Phillips Head Screwdriver 3/8” Wrench Hardware: 10-24 Lock Washer 1 Required 10-24 Nut 1 Required 10-24 x 5/8” Bolt 1 Required HARDWARE BAG C 1. Turn the smoker upright. 2. Set the damper plate on top of the cabinet and line it up with the corresponding “butterfly” holes. One 3. Insert a bolt from the top through the center hole. 4. From the bottom side, place a lock washer and nut on the bolt as shown. 5. Thread the nut just tight enough to keep the damper plate snug. It should be able to rotate with little resistance. ofthetabswillseatinsideoneoftheholes. 10DamperBoltLockWasherNutCabinetPanel Assembly Step 6 Locate these parts: 2 Carry Handles Tools needed: Phillips Head Screwdriver 7/16” Wrench Hardware: 1/4-20 Nuts 8 Required 1/4 Lock Washers 8 Required 1/4-20 x 5/8” Bolts 8 Required HARDWARE BAG D 1. Line up the carry handle with the corresponding holes on the side of the cabinet as shown. The handles must be positioned upright with the bolt holes on the bottom as shown. 2. Insert the bolts from the outside and thread the lock washers and nuts from the inside of the cabinet. 3. Firmly tighten the nuts. 4. Complete steps for both sides of the cabinet assembly. 11 AssemblyStep7WoodChipBoxandLidWoodBoxRackLocatetheseparts: AssemblyStep7WoodChipBoxandLidWoodBoxRackLocatetheseparts: 122.Setthewoodchipboxontotherack.Makesureitisseatedproperlyandsecurelyinthecenteroftherack. 3.Placethelidonthewoodchipbox. 13positionsasdesired.Forbestaccess,thegridwiresshouldrunfronttobackasshown. 13positionsasdesired.Forbestaccess,thegridwiresshouldrunfronttobackasshown. Assembly Step 8 Locatetheseparts: WaterPanCookingGrids No tools or hardware are required for this step. 1. Slide the water pan into the bottom rack position as shown. 2. Insert the cooking grids into any of the remaining rack Assembly Step 9 Locate these parts: Door Handle Kit HARDWARE BAG E Tools needed: Mounting Bracket Handle Spring Handle Washer 1/4-20 x 3/8” Bolts and 1/4-20 Lock Washers (2 ea) Phillips Head Screwdriver 1.Slidethehandlewasherontotheendofthedoorhandle,followedbythehandlespringasshown. 2.Feedthedoorhandleintotheholethroughthefrontofthedoorpanel. 3.Fromthebacksideofthedoorpanel, insertthemountingbracketovertheendofthehandleasshown. 4.Withlockwashersplacedonthebolts, inserttheboltsthroughthemountingplate, intothepre-threadedmountsandfirmlytightenthebolts. 141324 Assembly Step 10 Locatetheseparts: NameplatewithHeatIndicator2PushNutsHARDWAREBAGF No tools are required for this step. 1. Insert the name plate mounts and heat indicator prong through the mounting holes in the front of the 15doorpanel. 2.Fromtheinsideofthedoorpanel,securelyattachthepushnutstothenameplatemounts. Assembly Step 11 Locate these parts: Zip Tie HARDWARE BAG G S-Hook Tools needed: Pliers Using the zip tie, ...
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