Anleitung Husqvarna, modell 917.29939
Hersteller: Husqvarna Dateigröße: 2.55 mb Dateiname: 37147657-1fc5-4aad-b224-8ccd6fb83442.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
All consumer product use musthave been limitedto the owner's residence. Z WARRANTY SCHEDULE FOR CONSUMER FOREST & GARDEN EQUIPMENT: 2 Year Consumer Warranty: all consumerchain saws,trimmers, brushcutters, clearing saws, handheld blowers, backpack {:: blowers, hedgetrimmers,andelectricalproductsfor noncommercial,nonprofessional,noninstitutionalornonincome producing use, except as herein stated. All consumer product use must have been limited to the owner's residence. 2Yearor2,000HourPowertrain&1Yearor1,000HourBodyWarranty: HusqvarnaUtilityVehicles. 1 Year Warranty: Power cutters, stump grinder, pole prunersand pole saws for non-commercial, non-professional, noninstitutional,non-municipalityornon-incomeproducinguse.All 300seriestrimmers,brushcutters,clearingsaws, hovering trimmers, stick edgers, backpack blowers, hand held blowers, hedge trimmers, power-assist collection systems for commercial, institutional, professional or income producing purposes or use. :3 :3 1 Year Conditional Component Warranty: Chain saw crankshafts for commercial/professional use (parts and labor).Saw must be operated with Husqvarna XP 2 cycle oil. 90DayCommercial Warranty: Automaticmower,chainsaws,100seriestrimmers,powercutters,stumpgrinders,pole saws, pole pruners, snow throwers, model series 580 & 600 walk-behind mowers, or any Husqvarna product used for commercial, institutional,professional, municipalityor income producingpurposes or use except as otherwise providedherein. ® Batteries: 1 year prorated limited warranty with 100% replacement during the first 6 months. RentalWarranty: 90daysonallapplicableprofessionalequipmentreferencewarrantytimeperiodcharts located in the back of the Retailer Warranty Policy & Procedure Manual. Husqvarna Safety Apparel carries a 90-day warranty from the date of the customer's original purchasefor defects in materialandworkmanship.Normalwear,tear orabuseisnotcovered underwarranty.ProductmustbereturnedtoCharlotte withawarrantyclaimform.Allcareandmaintenanceinstructionsmustbefollowedasstated bythemanufactureronthe carelabel.Thefitofthe protectiveapparel/bootisnotcoveredunderwarranty. 30 Day Warranty: Replacement parts, accessories including bars and chains, tools and display items. Emission control system components necessary to comply with CARB-TIER II and EPA regulations, except for those components which are partof engine systems manufactured bythird part engine manufacturersfor which the purchaser has received a separate warranty with product at time of purchase. SECTION 2: HUSQVARNA'SOBLIGATIONS UNDERTHE WARRANTY -O Husqvarnawillrepairor replacedefectivecomponentswithoutchargeforpartsorlaborifacomponentfailsbecauseofa defectinmaterialorworkmanship duringthewarrantyperiod. cL ..._" SECTION 3: ITEMS NOT COVEREDBYTHIS WARRANTY The following items are not covered by thiswarranty: (1) (1) Normalcustomer maintenance itemswhich becomeworn through normal regular use, including, but not limited to, belts, blades, blade adapters, bulbs, clutches, clutch drums, filters, guide bars, lubricants, rewind springs, saw chain, spark plugs, b_ 2, starter ropes and tiller tines; (2) Naturaldiscoloration of material due to ultraviolet light; (3) Engine and drive systems not manufactured by Husqvarna; these items are covered by the respective manufacturer's warranty as provided in writing with the product information supplied at the time of purchase; all claims must be sent to the appropriate manufacturer; (4) Lawn and garden attachments are covered by a third party which gives a warranty, all claims for warranty should be sent to the manufacturer, (5)Commercialorconsumermowingdeckswith sandabrasiondamage. (6)EmissionControlSystemcomponentsnecessarytocomplywith CARB-TIERIIandEPAregulationswhichare manufactured by third party engine manufacturer. SECTION4: EXCEPTIONSAND LIMITATIONS This warranty shall be inapplicableto defects resulting from the following: (1)Accident, abuse, misuse, negligence and neglect, including stale fuel, dirt, abrasives, moisture, rust, corrosion, or any adverse reactiondue to incorrectstorage or use habits; (2)Failuretooperateormaintaintheunit inaccordancewith theOwner's/Operator'smanualorinstructionsheetfurnished by Husqvarna; (3)Alterationsormodificationsthatchangethe intendeduseoftheproductor affectsthe product's performance,operation, safety,or durability, or causes the product to fail to comply with any applicable laws; or: (4)Additionaldamagetopartsorcomponentsduetocontinueduseoccurringafteranyofthe above. REPAIROR REPLACEMENTAS PROVIDED UNDERTHIS WARRANTY iS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE PURCHASER. HUSQVARNASHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THESE PRODUCTS EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITEDBYAPPLICABLELAW.ANYIMPLIEDWARRANTYOFMERCHANTABILITYORFITNESS FORA PARTICULARPURPOSEONTHESEPRODUCTS ISLIMITEDINDURATIONTOTHEWARRANTYPERIODAS DEFINED IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT.HUSQVARNA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR IMPR...