Anleitung Shark, modell S3401
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
DANGER OF SCALDING. Please use caution when using the steam cleaner.The steam emitted from the openingsis veryhot. POLARIZED PLUG: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, this appliancehas a polarizedplug(onebladeis wider than the other).As a safetyfeature, thisplug willfitintoapolarized outlet only oneway. Iftheplug doesnot fitfullyintotheoutlet, reversetheplug.Ifitstilldoesnot fit, contact aqualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature. 1. Usethesystemonlyforits intendeduse. 2. DO NOT use outdoors. 3. DO NOT leave the appliance unattended whenpluggedin.Always unplug thepower cordfrom the electrical outlet when notin use and before servicing. 4. DO NOT allow the appliance tobe used as atoy.Close attentionis necessary when usedby or near children,pets or plants. 5. Useonlyasdescribedinthismanual. 6. Use onlymanufacturer’s recommended accessories. 7. DO NOT operate the appliance with a damagedplugor cord, orifthe unithas beendropped,damagedleftoutdoors ordroppedinto water.To avoidthe risk of electric shock,do notdisassemble or attemptto repair the appliance on your own. 8. Toprotectagainst arisk of electric shock, DO NOT immerse the steam cleanerinto water or any otherliquids. 9. DO NOT handleplugor steam cleaner with wethands or operate appliance without shoes. 10. DO NOT pull or carrybypower cord, usepower cord ashandle, close adoor on thepower cord, orpullthepower cord around sharp edges or corners. Keeppower cordawayfromheated surfaces. 11. DO NOT unplugbypulling onpower cord.To unplug,grasp theplug not the power cord.Do not use extension cords or outlets withinadequate current carrying capacity. 12. DO NOT put any objectsinto openings. Do notuse with any openingblocked. 13. DO NOT puthands orfeet underthe steam cleaner.Unitgets veryhot. 14. UseONLY on flat, stable surfaces. 15. DO NOT use onleather, waxpolished furnitureor floors,syntheticfabrics, velvet or otherdelicate, steam sensitive materials. 16. DO NOT add cleaning solutions, scentedperfumes, oils or any other chemicals to the water usedin this appliance asthis maydamage the unit or makeit unsafefor use.Ifyoulivein a hardwater area, we recommend using distilledwaterinyourhand steamer. 17. Wheninuse,NEVER DIRECT STEAM TOWARDS PEOPLE, ANIMALS OR PLANTS. 18. Carefullyremove the micro-fiberpad immediatelyafteryouhave unplugged thehand steamer and allowedthe productto cool. 19. When cleaningthehand steamer, unplug thepower cordfrom the electrical outlet and clean with adry or dampcloth.Do notpour water or use alcohol,benzene orpaintthinner on the unit. 20 To reduce the riskoffire, DO NOT use a flammableorcombustibleliquidto clean a floor. 21. Extreme caution shouldbe exercised when usingthis applianceto clean stairs. 22. Never usehandsteamer without micro-fiberpad attached. 23. Keepyour workarea welllit. 24. Storeindoorsin a cool,dryplace. 25. To avoidcircuit overload,do not operate another appliance on the same socket(circuit) as the steam cleaner. 26. Ifan extension cordis absolutely necessary, an extension cord rated a minimum of15 ampere,14gagecord shouldbe used.Cords ratedforless amperage may overheat.Care should be taken to arrange cordsothatit cannotbepulled or tripped over. 27. DO NOT leave unattendedwhen the systemis connected to apower supply or electrical outlet.Turn off all controls before unpluggingthe unit. 28 DO NOT store unit withdamp or wet micro-fiber cleaningpad attached. Neverleave thehandsteamerin one spot on any surfacefor anyperiod of time with adamp or wet micro-fiber cleaningpad attached as this will damageyour surfaces. WARNING: Yourhandsteameris designedto cleanyourhardsurfaces that will withstandhighheat.Do not use on unsealed wood or unglazed ceramics.On surfacesthathavebeen treated with wax or some no wax floors,the sheen maybe removedby theheat and steam action.Itis always recommendedtotest anisolated area ofthe surfacetobe cleanedbefore proceeding.We also recommendthat you checkthe use and careinstructions fromthe surface manufacturer. Thankyoufor purchasing the Shark® Handheld Steam Scrubber. Contents GETTINGSTARTED................................................................. 2 USINGYOUR HANDSTEAMER ..........................................4 CARE OFYOUR HANDSTEAMER ....................................5 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................. 6 WARRANTY AND REGISTRATION....................................7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage: 120V.,60Hz. Power: 1000Watts Water Capacity: 240ml(8 oz.) TOLL FREE: 1 800 798 7398 2 TOLL FREE: 1-800-798-7398 3 English FILLING THE WATER TANK 1 Open the water tank cap by lifting the cap up to the open position (fig. 3). 2 A filling flask is included with your Vac-Then-Steam™ and hand steamer to make filling the water tank easy. Fill the flask with water and use the funnel to pour it into the tank. Keep the water level under the MAX FILL line. 3 Close the water tank cap by pressing ...