
4 Your computer will now prepare for the installation process. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard and restart the computer. Note Disconnect the Device from the Computer Disconnect the device from the computer before restarting. This could cause the computer to boot from the Pocket Projector being recognised as a USB storage device. 5 The software has been installed and you will find the icon PicoPix Fun Viewer on the desktop. Start Projection 1 Connect the USB plug of the Pocket

We have highlighted the DVR (TiVo/Replay) buttons in blue for easy referencing on the keypad. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 EN 3 The remote control is equipped with the most common functions for operating your devices. However if you miss certain functions, this remote control can 'learn' these functions from the original remote control. To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at: 2 Getting started 3 Check whether the buttons that you need for operati

Das Gerdt v.ird Ihnen qute Dienste leisten, vorausgesetzt daß Sie es sachgemäß bedienen und unterhalten Trotz aller Sorgfalt ist das Auftreten von Fehlem nicht auszuschlie-ßcn Ihr Partner fur dio Behebung derartiger Fehler ist Ihr Fachhändler, bei dem das Gcrut eavorben wurde Falls e.n Re^amatonsfall emtritt, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Vorlage des Ewkaufsbsleges und des Geratepasses an Ihren Fachhändler. GARANZIA E ASSISTENZA VAUDE PER L'ITAUA Qucsto apparccchio ó stato realízalo con materia

Read and follow these instructions when connecting and using your computer monitor: l Disconnect the monitor from the power supply if the monitor is not to be used for an extended period of time. l Do not attempt to remove the back cover, as you will be exposed to a shock hazard. The back cover should only be removed by qualified service personnel. l Do not place objects on top of the monitor cabinet, objects could fall into vents or cover them and prevent proper cooling of the monitor's electro

Per aver diritto olla Garanzia é che questo certificato nporti i dati di Modello e Matricola doli'opparecchio, la data di acquisto ed il t*mbro del nvenditore. moltre per tutti gli epp^rccdii per i quaii é prevista la 'ncevuta fiscale' (o aleo documento di consegna) il documento stesso do.Té essere consea-ato con questo certificato a certificazione de!-la data d'acquisto In caso di neccssitá il prodotto dovrá essere fatto pea’emre al Centro di Assistenza p:ü v^emo il cui recopito é

Homy Vertriebsgmbh bezegen bat dadurch. daS für den Käufer innerhalb von 6 f.'onaten ab Verkaufsdatum Funktionsnnàngel Ifabnfcatiors- oder f/a« tenalfehler) in einer unserer Sea'.ce-Fiiialen kostenlos, d-h. ohne Verrechnung von Arbeitszeit und Matenal, behoben v. erd en. Schaden, die durch äußere Einflüsse. unsacf;gema2e Behandlung oder unsachgemäßen Fremde'ngnff entstanden sind, so.Me Gehausefehler oder Glasbruch, smd von dieser Zusage ausgeschlossen Philips Zentrale Kundeninformation: - 1101

Déclaration sur l'exposition au rayonnement Marques commerciales : Les références radioélectrique : Cet appareil est conforme aux mentionnées dans ce manuel