heruntergeladen wurde: 2   Dateigröße: 2 mb   Hersteller: Associated Equipment  
Kategorie: Andere Werkzeuge

sT. LOU|S, MO.63115 Dust 3r4.385.5178 FAX:314.385.3254 OPERATING & PAFITSLIST INSTRUCTIONS Gollector Read inslructions carefully betore attempting to assemble, inslall, operate, move, inspecl or seruice yourdust cottector! Betain insvuctions for luture reference, Description These dust co leclors aredesgned to help malntain clean, sale conditions around dusl creatingmachinesin workshops and lactories. The flexible hose incllded wilh each unit can be hookeddirectlyonlo lhe dusr creating machine.S

heruntergeladen wurde: 7   Dateigröße: 2 mb   Hersteller: Associated Equipment  
Kategorie: Andere Werkzeuge

lf the bag becomes dirty aga n very quickly, anolher labric type may be needed. Do nol wash fet labric filler bags which have a sudace coating;genllyr nse lhe coal ng with water SYMPTOM unit w ll nol operate. TroubleshootingChart POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) 1. {mproper electricalconneclon. 2. Blowef wheel loose. 2. Suclion hose too long. 3. Dusl bag dirty. {DONOT REMOVE WHILEUNIT ISRUNNING) 'Tighlen wheel set screws to 165 inch-pounds CORRECTIVE ACTION 1.TurnpowerOFF-asslrreunilis wired per instruclions.
