Anleitung Zusammenfassung
lf the bag becomes dirty aga n very quickly, anolher labric type may be needed. Do nol wash fet labric filler bags which have a sudace coating;genllyr nse lhe coal ng with water SYMPTOM unit w ll nol operate. TroubleshootingChart POSSIBLE CAUSE(S) 1. {mproper electricalconneclon. 2. Blowef wheel loose. 2. Suclion hose too long. 3. Dusl bag dirty. {DONOT REMOVE WHILEUNIT ISRUNNING) 'Tighlen wheel set screws to 165 inch-pounds CORRECTIVE ACTION 1.TurnpowerOFF-asslrreunilis wired per instruclions. luseor Check and replace clrcuit breaker as needed but do not oversizetor the circuit. 2. Turnunil OFF. Dsconnect powercord.Turn unit over & spin wheel by hand. Beposilion and tighlen sel screws il necessary.' 1. Turn unil OFF and observe motor cooling whee rciation as il stops. Rewire correcly 2. Placeunit coser to dusl sourceand 3. Cleandusl bag. Wash collon or kn t filrer bags in slandardwasher,line dry. Do not wash nternally coated felt bags;gently rinse coating wlthclear water. Replace bag OperatingInstructionsand Parls l,lanual Fig.1 NOTE Palt #38, *4 and+9 rnusi be n posilonat 3A 3B al>. ttffit 6- 12 13 ReDlacement Parts List for 1/3. 1/2 and 3/aHP Models Motor, 1 Phase. ODP 115/208-230Volt. 60 Hz. Motort 1 Phase'TErc I15/208-230 Volt, 60 Hz. Molor,3 Phase. TEFC 230/460 Volt, 60 Hz. Molor, 1 Phase EYP 1l!430V_o11,q!!! Molor, 3 Phase, EXP 230/460Volt.60 Hz. Swrch.115v. Housing,Blower& Guard 34,38 & 3C, See nole Glard D scha Clamp, Hose & Nozze qes.q!'-s-t (9!e! Feducer Inel(1 3 HP Ld/ lnlel Guard Assemb Nozzle,Square Cord & Pluq, r r5V On Bolt3/8-16x 1/2 Hex Head Boll.l/4 20 x 3/4 Hex Head Hei Nul, r/4 20 Boll, 1/4-20 x 1/2" Hex Head Part Number lor Mcdel 1/3HP 3lAHP 37761 (1X2) 37753 37754 372193 371Q4 37154 37207 37102 37152 372009 37105 31623 3i013 1?99? t?p92 31069 31069 51078 51078 51078 51014 NOTES: (1)lic udes 8lool.od. (grounded)plugror rse on 115 Volt 1 Phase cordp!g and swtch 372193(-IEFCnoto4 at correcl price when sides oi slamped sleel ho!s1.9 wfth an ABS mounred.Thsw lon y b€ sod as an assembry Ony dischargequard (38)can be purchased store lems avarlabe nearesr moror repa r OperatingInslructions and Parts Manual NOTE Fig.2 Parl #28, #3 and #8 musl be rn posiiionatall times. 2A 28 3A 3B 3 E=__----.-q. 6 ll t--\-----f 11 ---+ :- +;"E \ -t a'" '..--l 98 ReplacementParts List for 1, 11/2, 2 and 3Hp Models '17 Ref. No. otv. Description 1HP PartNumberfor Model 11/rHP 2HP 3HP (l) NOTES ncrudes I iool cord, Molor, 1 Phase, TEFC 115/208-230Volt.60 Hz. 37755 (1) 37301 373719 (srounded)plu9roruse on 115 Volt. 1 Phase, Motor,3Phase,TEFC 230/460Voll,60 Hz 37254 37304 37353 374155 (2)P/N inc udes Oothsides llotor, 1 Phase, EXP 115/230 Voll. 60 Hz. 37252 37302 housing kift an ABS Molor,3 Phase, EXP 230/460Volt-60 Hz 3725462 37305 37354 moLrted. This wrl only 2A-zC 28 Holsing,Blower& cuard (24.,28 & 2C. See note 2) Gua'd,Discharoelonlv) 34029DC 29318 34029DC 29318 34029DC 29318 34029DC 29318 be sold as an assenbly Ony discharge guard 3 Snap lalch elbow assembly (3A,38 &3C) 5126402 5126402 5126402 (28)cai be pu,chased 5530602 5500702 5501002 5510304 Standard hadware slore 5 31625 31626 31626 31626 ilemsavaiable loca ly. 6 7 2 Clamp. Hose & Nozzle Reducer,Inlel(1HPonlv) 31016 51110 31244 31244 31244 I aaq, Dlst (srandard) 25071 25071 25071 9A&98 10 2 Elbow, Inlet & Defleclor Lid, Drum 12061 12060 12061 r2060 12061 1?060 12061 12060 nea6$ mororrepatr 11 12 Gasket. Lid 31070 51016 31070 51417 31070 51017 31070 51017 Cylinder, lnlahe 51074 51074 51474 51074 14 Ciamo,Dust Aao 31244 31244 31244 Cord Sel. 115V. Onlv I 16 1 Swilch. 115V. Onlv I Bol1.3/8-16 r 1/2'Hex Head 12 Boll,t/4-20 x 3/4' Hex Head 18 18 He, Nut,1/4-20 6 Boli,1/4-20r l Hex Head Exhaust Volumes Required for Ditterent Applications (1) WOODWORKING METALWORKING Min. CFM Min, CFM Required RequiredEquipment Size Q\ Equipmenl Size {4) Krife Lengrh = Up to 6^ 350 Bufiing,Belt Bell Widlh = Up to 3' 220 6+ to 12' 440 3+ lo5 300 ' 12+' to 20' 550 5+ lo 7' 390 ovet 20' 800 7+'lo 9' 500 Sander, Bell Bell Widlh = Upto 6 790(3) 9+ to 11' 610 (Horizonlal) 6+' to I' 900(3) 11+ lo J3 740 9+ ro 14 1240l3J Bufiing,Wheel 300 Sander, Disc D sc Diameref = Up to 12' 350 3 500 12+ to iB 450 610 18+'lo 26' 550 5 740 Drum Sudace = Up to 200 350 6 1040 (insquarenchet 201 to 400 550 Gfindlng Wheel 220 401to 700 785 \5) 1 1/2 220 701 lo 1400 1100 2 390 Blade Width = Upro2' 700(3) 3 500 2+" lo 3' s00(3) 610 3+ lo 4' 1350{3) 5 880 Saw, Badial Hoodbehind b ade = 430 6 1200 Frompodon b ade glard = 70 Grinding wh€el 220 Total= 500 \5) 1.1/2' 390 Saw, Swing BladeDiarneter= Up lo 20 350 2" 610 over 20' 440 740 ,3' Blade Diameter = lJp to 16' 350 880 16+ to 24' 440 5' 1200 ovet 24 550 Abbreviationsused in charts: Vaieiv with dado= 550 CFI\,,|=Cubic leet ol airperminute Planer,Single Knile Length = Up to 20' 785 FP[,4= Feetperminute 20+' lo 26' 1100 sflm= Surface leet perminute (r)Theexhausl vollme (CFlVl)requircmenlsshownarctromthe (3) Feqlires 2 nozzes or hoods. CF[/is shown are totatCF|M ...
Dieses Handbuch ist für folgende Modelle:Andere Werkzeuge - 2HP (2.45 mb)