Anleitung Craftsman, modell 152.213351
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
See Product Specifications on page 2 for your dust collector maximum static pressure. NOTE: To determine if you have met the Static Pressure Requirement when using a Dust Collection System, identify the branch of the system with the highest static pressure requirement first, If you run your Dust Collection System with more than one blast gate open, add the static pressure from all branches that are open to determine the total static pressure requirements, Static Pressure Requirement Chart Size of Hose Hose/Pipe Ribbed Tubing 90-degree 90-degree 45-degree Machine "Dirty Bag" Rigid Pipe (per foot) Elbow Elbow Tofitting Hook-Up Adjustment (per foot} 3 .10 .15 .50 .60 .25 1.50 1.0 4 .07 .11 .42 .49 .21 1.50 1.0 5 .055 .08 .49 .55 .25 1.50 1.0 16 TopurchaseanyoftheDustCollectionAccessorieslistedbelow,visityournearestSearsStore, VariousFittings: 21340 3=inchHoseCoupling 21341 4-inchHoseCoupling 21363 3=inch90=degree21364 Elbow Elbow 4-inch90-degree21365 3=inchY=Fitting 21366 4-inchYoFitting 21367 3=inchT=Fitting 21368 4-inchToFitting HOSe: 21370 3-inch x lO-foot Flexible Hose 21371 3-inch x 25-foot Flexible Hose 21372 4-inch x lO-foot Flexible Hose 21373 4-inch x 25-foot Flexible Hose Blast Gates 21359 3-inch Blast Gate -Plastic 21360 4-inch Blast Gate -Plastic 21361 3-inch Blast Gate -Aluminum 21362 4-inch Blast Gate -Aluminum Reducers: 21347 5 to 4-inch Reducer 21348 4 to 3-inch Reducer 21349 4 to 2-1/2-inch Reducer 21351 3 to 2-1/2-inch Reducer 21352 3 to 2-inch Reducer 21353 2-1/2 to lq/2-inch Reducer Hose Clamps (Qty 2 per Pack) 21354 2-inch Hose Clamp 21355 2-112-inch Hose Clamp 21356 3-inch Hose Clamp 21357 4-inch Hose Clamp 21358 5-inch Hose Clamp Dust Hoods: 21342 Jointer Dust Hood, 8-1/4" x 8-1/4" x 4" Diameter 21343 Jointer Dust Hood, 10-1/4" x 8-1/2" x 4" Diameter 21344 Table Saw Dust Hood, 12-1/4" x 12-1/4" x 4" Diameter 21345 Table Saw Dust Hood, 14" x 14" x 4" Diameter 21346 Universal Dust Hood, 6-1/4" x 6-1/4" x 4" Diameter Floor Sweep: 21369 Floor Sweep Kits: 21350 Wall Mounting Kit (contains: 6 -wall clamps, 12-screws & 12-anchors) 21375 Dust Collector Accessory Kit (contains: 2°#21372, 1°#21344, 1°#21342, 1°#21346, 4-#21360, 1°#21369, 1°#21366, 1°#21350 & 5-#21357) 17 Turnthepowerswitch"OFF"andunplugthepower cordfromitspowersourcepriortoanymaintenance, Alwaysmakesurethattheintakeportcapscoversthe intakeportwhena hoseis notconnectedtothedust collector. TheDustCollectorhassealedlubricatedbearingsin themotorhousingthatdoesnotrequireanyadditionallubricationfromtheoperator, WiththeDustCollectorunplugged,blowoffmotorwith lowpressureairto removedustordirt, Airpressure above50R S. I.shouldnotbeusedashigh-pressured airmaydamageinsulation.Theoperatorshouldalways weareyeprotectionwhenusingcompressedair. Donotallowchipsanddusttoaccumulateunderdust collector.Keepareacleanandin safeorder. CAUTION:DONOTUSEFLAMMABLEMATERIALS tocleanDustCollector. Repairsto theDustCollectorshouldbeperformedby trainedpersonnelonly.ContactyournearestSears ServiceCenterforauthorizedservice.Unauthorized repairsor replacementwithnon-factorypartscould causeseriousinjurytotheoperatoranddamageto the DustCollector. TOPREVENTINJURYTOYOURSELFordamageto theDustCollector,turntheswitchto the"OFF"positionand unplugthepowercordfromtheelectricalreceptaclebeforemakinganyadjustments, PROBLEM LIKELY CAUSE(S) SOLUTION Motor does 1. Switch not pressed in tar enough or 1. Depress switch in 1/2 inch or make sure switch not start switch in the "OFF" position is in the "ON" position. 2. Detective switch 2. Have switch replaced. 3. Detective capacitor 3. Have capacitor replaced. 4. Low line voltage 4. Correct low line voltage condition. 5. Detective motor 5. Have motor replaced/repaired. NOTE: 2, 3 and 4 must be done by a qualitied service technician; Contact Sears service. Motor stalls Circuit overload 1. Reduce circuit load 1. (resulting in blown 2. Low line voltage 2. Correct low line voltage condition. fuses or tripped 3. Chips or debris clogged impeller. 3. Clean all hoses, bags and blower housing of chips circuit breakers) and debris. 4. Motor ovedoad 4. Reduce load on motor. 5. incorrect tuses on circuit breakers 5. Have correct tuses on circuit breakers installed. 6. Short circuit in motor; loose connections 6. inspect terminals in motor for damaged insulation or worn insulation on lead wires and shorted wires and have them replaced. Motor starts 1. Detective motor windings 1. Have motor replaced/repaired. slowly or falls to 2. Detective capacitor 2. Have capacitor replaced. come to full speed Motor running 1. Restricted air circulation due to dust 1A, Clean dust and restore normal air circulation. too hot accumulation. 1B. Empty and clean tilter and collection bags. 2. Motor overload 2. Reduce load on motor. Frequent opening 1. Fuses or circuit breakers do not have 1. Have correct tuses or circuit breakers installed. of fuse or circuit sufficient capacity breakers 2. Circuit overloaded 2. Reduce circuit load (turn off other appliances). 3. Motor...