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Anleitung Lanier, modell 556

Hersteller: Lanier
Dateigröße: 27.16 kb
Dateiname: cp492.pdf


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

CP- 492 Product ID: 480-0403 Issued: 10/19/2006 Synonyms & Common Names: Uses: Chemical Formula: Print Cartridge GC21 Magenta GX5050N Mixture Supersedes: Date: Prepared by: Approved by: None 10/19/2006 EH&S Department 770-496-9500 Larry Choskey, H&S Manager Section 2: Composition / Information on Ingredients PERCENT CAS No. EXPOSURE LIMITS SOURCE Organic pigment < 10 Confidential Not listed N/a Glycol < 30 Confidential Not listed N/a Glycerin < 10 56-81-5 (as mist) 15 mg/m3 (as mist) 10 mg/m3 OSHA TWA ACGIH TWA Water 50 – 90 7732-18-5 Not listed N/a Section 3: Hazards Identification HMIS Rating: FLAMMABILITY = 0 HEALTH = 1 REACTIVITY = 0 SPECIAL = none Primary entry routes: Skin, ingestion Medical condition aggravated by long-term exposure: Not applicable. Chronic effects: No data is available on this product. Carcinogenicity: This product does not contain the carcinogenic substances which are listed in NTP, IARC and are regulated by OSHA. Section 4: First Aid Measures Inhalation: Not applicable Eye Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention if needed. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Ingestion: Induce vomiting after drinking salt water. Get medical attention. Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures Suitable extinguishing media: CO2, dry chemical, foam or water. Extinguishing media which may not be used for safety reasons: none Autoignition temperature: n/a Special protective equipment for fire fighters: none UEL: n/a LEL: n/a MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Spill / leak Procedures: If spilled, wipe up with paper or cloth. Remove residue with soap and cold water. Miscellaneous: Keep product out of sewers and watercourses. Section 7: Handling and Storage Handling Precautions: Keep out of reach of children. Storage Requirements: Keep away from heat, open flame and sparks Section 8: Exposure Control and Personal Protection Information: Respiratory Protection: none required under normal use. Ventilation: None required under normal use. Protective Clothing / Equipment: None required under normal use. Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties CHARACTERISTICS: Appearance: Magenta Melting point: N/a Form: Liquid Vapor pressure: N/a Odor: No strong odor Vapor density: N/a Solubility in Water: Soluble Evaporation rate: N/a Viscosity N/A Boiling point: N/a PH 8-10 % Volatiles: 70% Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Conditions to avoid: Not applicable in normal use. Polymerization: None Hazardous decomposition products: Will not occur Section 11: Toxicological Information: Ames test: Negative Teratogenicity: no data Acute oral toxicity: LD 50(Rat): >5000mg/kg Special effects: Carcinogenicity: No data is available on this product. Section 12: Environmental / Ecological Information Environmental Degradation: Not known Section 13: Disposal Consideration Used product should be disposed of in an environmentally appropriate manner. Section 14: Transportation Information International regulations: RID/ADR Not applicable ICAO-TI/ATA-DGR Not applicable DOT 49 CFR Not applicable UN Classification Number Not applicable ADNR Not applicable IMDG Code Not applicable Product Label: Print Cartridge GC21 Magenta In no us Section 15: Regulatory Information Regulation: No information available Section 16: Miscellaneous Information Judgment as to the suitability of information contained herein for user’s purposes is the responsibility of the purchaser. Therefore, although reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this information, Lanier Worldwide, Inc. extends no warranties, makes no representations, and assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy or suitability of such information for application to user’s intended purposes or for consequences of its use. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we do not guarantee that these are the only hazards that e...


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