Anleitung Harman Company, modell SF 250
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
FOr uSE IN ThE u.S. ANd CANAdA. NOT SuITAblE FOr INSTAllATION IN mObIlE hOmES IF ThIS hArmAN STOvE IS NOT PrOPErlY INSTAllEd, A hOuSE FIrE mAY rESulT. FOr YOur SAFETY, FOllOw INSTAllATION dIrECTIONS. CONTACT lOCAl buIldINg Or FIrE OFFICIAlS AbOuT rESTrICTIONS ANd INSTAllATION INSPECTION rEQuIrEmENTS IN YOur ArEA. CONTACT YOur lOCAl AuThOrITY (SuCh AS muNICIPAl buIldINg dEPArTmENT, FIrE dEPArTmENT, FIrE PrEvENTION burEAu, ETC.) TO dETErmINE ThE NEEd FOr A PErmIT. CETTE guIdE d’uTIlISATION EST dISPONIblE EN FrANCAIS. ChEz vOTrE CONCESSIONNAIrE dE hArmAN hOmE hEATINg. 1 SAvE ThESE INSTruCTIONS. Part # 3-90-70738 TAblE OF CONTENTS Safety Considerations..........................3 Assembly..............................................4 Installation............................................5 Chimney & Venting...............................6 Operating Instructions..........................8 Preventive Maintenance.......................9 Optional Hot Water Coil.......................10 Testing Label.......................................12 Warranty..............................................13 SAFETY CONSIdErATIONS CAuTION • Keep Children Away • may Cause Serious burns • All Surfaces of stove are hot. do not touch. • Keep children away. • Serious burns will result if touched. Fuel/Firing warnings danger do not use chemicals or fluids to start or “freshen up” a fire. Severe body burns or a fire in your home could result. do not burn garbage, gasoline, thinners, drain oil or engine oil, kerosene, or fuel oil, etc. An explosion, a house fire, or personal injury could result. Keep all such liquids well away from the stove while in use. Never burn materials other than coal. A chimney fire or heat exchanger failure could result. This includes large amounts of corrugated boxes, wood shavings, paper scraps, garbage or other burnable materials. If chimney pipes or connectors reach 500 degrees fahrenheit (maximum temperature), the stove is being over-fired. we recommend the purchase of a magnetic Temperature gauge to monitor the stove and stack temperatures relative to the amount of draft the customer permits the stove to operate. It has been verified that creosote will ignite at 650 degrees fahrenheit. It is the owner’s responsibility to follow these recommendations. This stove consumes air when it is burning. if your house is tightly sealed and insulated, it is advisable that a window in the vicinity be opened slightly while the stove is burning. Information contained in this manual is manufacturer’s recommendations and if there is any difference between our recommendations and local code requirements, we suggest following local code requirements. Curing Paint During the first few hours of burning, a blue smoke will be observed rising from the painted surface of the stove. It is advisable to increase the amount of fresh air (open window) in the room during this breaking-in period. Do not be alarmed, this is normal and does not cause harm. mobile homes This Harman Stove is not approved for installation in mobile/manufactured homes. SPECIAL WARNING: NEVER OPERATE YOUR STOVE WITH THE FIRE OR ASH DOOR OPEN! Keep Ash Pan Empty. Excessive ash buildup will block the airflow around the grates. This, and only this, will cause the grates to warp and sag. Neglect is not covered by your stove’s warranty. ASSEmblY blower The blower slides into the channel bracket on the rear of the stove as shown at right. Plug the blower into a properly grounded receptacle. Shaker handle The shaker handle installs onto the shaker handle mount using the two hex-bolts and washers provided. Firebricks The SF250 uses 14 “standard” firebricks, as shown below. These standard firebricks measure 9” X 4.” X 1.” each. The firebricks are already installed in the stove but can be removed to lighten the stove for moving. The doors can also be removed by simply lifting them off of the hinges. Firebrick Diagram 5 INSTAllATION wArNINg: This stove must be installed in accordance with all state and local building code requirements. locating the stove Locate the stove as close to the chimney or flue as possible, while still maintaining the clearances to combustibles. Locate the stove where there is sufficient air supply for ventilation and proper combustion. Clearance to Combustibles Safe stove clearance to combustible walls is 24” to the rear and 36” to the sides and front. Do not place furniture and the like directly in front of the stove. Floor Protection Floor protection for a combustible floor should consist of 3/8” millboard or a stove board providing equal protection(k=.84, R=.45). The floor protection should extend 8” to the rear and either side and 16” in front of the stove. The floor protection should also extend 2” to either side of the chimney connector, to the wall where the connector enters the flue. Adjustable leveling Feet To accomodate an un-even hearth surface, the SF250 is equipped with adjustable leveling feet. Each foot can be turned in or out of...