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Kategorie: Dampfgarer

NOTE: Do not use a dripping wet cloth. Wring out before use. 6. MS-150/250 Models: Assemble the handle, handle guard and mounting bolt to the spatula as shown in Figure 1. 7. Re-install all removed parts. Equipment Setup GENERAL When placing the unit into service, pay attention to the following guidelines: • Make sure power to the unit is off and the unit is at room temperature. • Do not block or cover any openings on the unit. • Do not immerse cord or plug in water. • Keep cord away from heated

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Kategorie: Dampfgarer

Monthly Your Miracle Steamer utilizes an open steam generator. Water sprayed onto the generator surface flashes into steam immediately, but the minerals in the water do not steam, they stay on the generator surface. A small amount of mineral deposits are needed for proper operation, but a build-up of excessive mineral deposits causes poor steaming efficiency, excessive moisture (wet steam) and will eventually severely retard the steaming action completely. Cleaning Steam Generator 1. Turn the ro

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Kategorie: Dampfgarer

this will ensure proper steaming characteristics by creating a thin layer of mineral deposits on the casting. caUtIOn all electrical connections must be in accordance with local electrical codes and any other applicable codes. warnInG electrIcal sHOcK HazarD. faIlUre tO fOllOw tHe InstrUctIOns In tHIs manUal cOUlD resUlt In serIOUs InjUrY Or DeatH. • electrical ground is required on this appliance. • Do not modify the power supply cord plug. If it does not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet in

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Kategorie: Dampfgarer

to clear/reset this record, press both the uP and DOWN arrow buttons simultaneously (before turning the unit Off) and the display will show 33°f - indicating that record has been cleared - and then turn the unit Off. P/N 1010745 Rev. g 03/06 17 Variety Steamer maIntenance (continued) technical theory of Operation When the Rocker switch (power On/Off) is ON, line voltage flows to the primary side of the step down transformer. the transformer’s secondary side supplies 12 and 24 Vac to the control

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Kategorie: Dampfgarer

Steam coming out around top covers or sides. Generator Cover’s wingnut is loose. Tighten wingnut. Generator Cover is warped. Replace Generator Cover. 20 P/N 1010699 Rev. M 12/06 MIRACLE STEAMER TROUBLESHOOTING (continued) Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action Unit floods overnight and/or continues to steam even when in idle mode. Solenoid Valve is leaking due to debris trapped inside the plunger (MS-250/255). Attempt to flush the debris out of the valve by rapidly operating the unit on a numb
